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The Orange Door 2018 evaluation

1 May 2019


This report was commissioned and prepared for Family Safety Victoria (FSV).

We prepared this report solely for FSV’s use and benefit in accordance with and for the purpose set out in the agreement between PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (Australia) Pty Limited (PwC) and FSV dated 31 August 2018. In doing so, we acted exclusively for FSV and considered no-one else’s interests.

We accept no responsibility, duty or liability:

  • to anyone other than FSV in connection with this report
  • to FSV for the consequences of using or relying on it for a purpose other than that referred to above.

We make no representation concerning the appropriateness of this report for anyone other than FSV. If anyone other than FSV chooses to use or rely on it they do so at their own risk. This disclaimer applies:

  • to the maximum extent permitted by law and, without limitation, to liability arising in negligence or under statute; and
  • even if we consent to anyone other than FSV receiving or using this report.
