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In line with this, we deliberately use gendered language to reflect that the majority of family violence is perpetrated by men towards women.


Throughout this document, we use the term Aboriginal to refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Use of the terms Aboriginal, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Indigenous are retained in the names of programs and initiatives and unless reported otherwise are inclusive of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Australian Catholic University.


Affected Family Member identified in an L17 referral.


The process for allocating core services to clients.

Assign or assignment

The internal designation of a practitioner to a client in The Orange Door during intake. Note that practitioners call this ‘allocation’, however, to distinguish this from the formal definition, we have termed it assignment.


The Orange Door in Barwon, with the main physical site situated in Geelong.


The Orange Door in Bayside Peninsula area (BPA), with the physical site situated in Frankston.

Case (in The Orange Door)

Once a person has been screened (see below) and identified as requiring a service response, they will have an individual case relating to them.


The Central Information Point.


Client Relationship Management system used by The Orange Door.


Client Support Officers, who greet walk-in clients to The Orange Door and in some areas, answer calls to The Orange Door phone number.


The Department of Health and Human Services.

Direct contact

Refers to clients of The Orange Door directly referring themselves by calling, emailing or physically presenting at The Orange Door.


Refers to the variety of different needs clients may have based on the different factors that make up an individual, including age, gender, culture, religion, social status and sexual orientation.


The Department of Premier and Cabinet

Employing agencies

Family violence, child wellbeing and Aboriginal services (partner services) that make up the partnership and employ practitioners and practice leads in The Orange Door. Employing agencies deliver ‘core services’.


Full-time equivalent.


Hub Leadership Group


Victoria Police officers who attend family violence incidents make referrals (L17s) to specialist family violence services, family services and child protection as necessary


The Orange Door in Mallee, with the main physical site situated in Mildura.


The Orange Door in North Eastern Melbourne area (NEMA), with the main physical site situated in Heidelberg.


National Disability Insurance Scheme.


Operational Leadership Group.


PwC’s Indigenous Consulting.


Risk Assessment and Management Panels.


Royal Commission into Family Violence (2016).


The term used for when clients of The Orange Door are connected with non-core services.


Alleged perpetrator of family violence as identified in a L17 referral.

Section 38 consultation

Community-based Child and Family Services, which includes all of the partner organisations in The Orange Door, are able to consult with Child Protection at any time under Section 38 of the Children, Youth and Families Act (2005).


A screening record is created to capture a referral or direct contact into The Orange Door. Where there is more than one person identified in the referral, a screening record will relate to all people included in the referral.


Strategic Planning and Reporting Officer is employed by FSV and based at The Orange Door.

The Orange Door areas

The first four areas where The Orange Door was established in Barwon, BPA, Mallee, NEMA.

Third-party referrals

Referrals made to The Orange Door typically by phone or email by a party other than the client, Child Protection or police (through L17 reports), for example, by a teacher/nurse.


Tools for Risk Assessment and Management.

Victim Survivor

More commonly referring to a person with lived experience of family violence. In this report, the term ‘victim survivor’ is used as aligned with the Statewide Concept.
