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The Orange Door Annual Service Delivery Report 2022-23.

The Orange Door represents a foundational service model that is continuously improved and expanded upon, using insights gained throughout its implementation.

The Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) made nine recommendations based on a performance audit report Managing Support and Safety Hubs published in May 2020 focusing on:

  • project planning
  • management and governance
  • operational delivery
  • support for integrated practice
  • performance reporting
  • oversight and continuous improvement.[1]

The department has provided feedback to VAGO that, as of 31 December 2023, all the actions against the recommendations of the report have been completed. Key activities associated with the completion of these recommendations include:

  • the statewide rollout of The Orange Door in October 2022
  • establishment of an ongoing Operational Guidance team focused on developing resources to improve statewide consistency of operations and embed integrated practice in The Orange Door
  • revision of The Orange Door Induction Program with greater focus on developing staff knowledge, skills and confidence for the delivery of integrated services, whole-of-family approaches and enhanced practice
  • trial of a Child and Young Person wellbeing assessment tool and the creation of Child and Young Person Practice Leaders to lead the delivery of high quality and effective services to children and young people
  • improvements in performance monitoring and reporting of demand inside The Orange Door areas, with new measures focused on service backlogs and timeliness, as well as CRM updates that better identify clients awaiting a response.

FSV contracted Jo Farmer Consulting to undertake the second evaluation of The Orange Door network, focusing on client experiences.

Other priorities moving forward include:

  • supporting The Orange Door to align with the family violence crisis response model
  • embedding child information sharing and MARAM reforms, including the Child and Young Person risk and wellbeing-focused MARAM Practice Guides
  • commencement of the third Aboriginal Access Point
  • evaluation of community-based primary prevention activity with LGBTIQA+ communities
  • contributing to more regular and structured processes of workforce data collection to support workforce planning and management
  • strengthening Aboriginal inclusion, access, and safety through the second Dhelk Dja 3 Year Action Plan
  • conducting the third TOD evaluation, which will focus on client outcomes.


[1] Managing Support and Safety Hubs webpage, Victorian Auditor-General’s Office, accessed 7 November 2022.
