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Data considerations

The Orange Door Annual Service Delivery Report 2022-23.

Sharing experiences and data from the fifth year of service delivery

This report uses service provision data to explain how The Orange Door network supported people in the 2022-23 financial year. Information and data has been collected from the Client Relationship Management (CRM) system and other integrated systems used by the staff in The Orange Door network.

This system continues to be enhanced to support best practice and gathers data to inform improvements to service delivery and policy. CRM updates for the 2022-23 financial year were the result of collaboration across multiple FSV teams and aligned to the release of operational guidance.

Significant enhancements included:

  • continued auto population of data across CRM to reduce the administrative burden for The Orange Door staff
  • further replacement of unstructured with structured data items and mandatory fields to support consistent data entry and reporting, including for priority communities
  • introduction of an interactive single screen for each person showing their demographic information and a summary of their engagement with The Orange Door
  • ability to record multiple brokerage items and brokerage crisis accommodation in the CRM to (support and oversight and monitoring)
  • improvements to actions taken in service plans and alerts, including the creation of an alert management plan.

As data collection through statewide operational guidance and reporting processes and practice continue to be strengthened, our ability to comment on the experiences of those accessing the network and their service needs will improve.

Presentation of the data

In many cases, the data is broken down by quarters:

  • Quarter 1 (July – September 2022)
  • Quarter 2 (October – December 2022)
  • Quarter 3 (January – March 2023)
  • Quarter 4 (April – June 2023).

Throughout the report these are referred to as Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Data extracted from the CRM for this report was extracted in November 2023, which ensures most of the information from 2022-23 is finalised.

In some instances, this report provides comparisons between data from 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

Inherent limitations

Because data in the CRM is constantly updated, including in relation to cases from previous years, figures in this report may be slightly different compared to previous reports.

Due to the staggered nature of the commencement of The Orange Door areas, the opening of new sites results in additional capacity across the network, thereby contributing to growth in overall service delivery. This is particularly noticeable when comparing to a previous period when fewer sites were in operation.
