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Appendix: Family violence outcomes framework

Family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated

All Victorians experience respectful relationships underpinned by human rights and gender equality - healthy relationship behaviours are celebrated and promoted.

  • Victorians do not tolerate family violence - family violence reporting rates reflect increased confidence in the system and intolerance of family violence, and eventually reflect sustained effort in prevention.
  • Victorians hold beliefs and attitudes that reject gender inequality and family violence - people recognise and reject all forms of family violence and gender inequality, and know how to challenge it when they see it. Individuals and systems do not minimise or deny family violence or blame victims, and stigma and discrimination is addressed.
  • Women and men, and girls and boys are equal - gender inequalities where people live, work, learn and play are diminished.

Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families, are safe and supported to recover and thrive

  • Early intervention prevents escalation - people including children and young people, at risk of witnessing or experiencing family violence are identified early and provided with effective early interventions.
  • Families are safe and strong - the system intervenes early to prevent harm to children and young people and enables families to access effective support services when they need them.
  • Victim survivors are safe - the system takes responsibility for managing risk, instead of placing the onus on victim survivors, including children and young people.
  • Victim survivors are heard and in control - victim survivors, including children and young people, are always listened to, believed and understood, and supported to take control of their immediate situation and make decisions about their future.
  • Victim survivors rebuild lives and thrive - disruption is minimised for victim survivors including children and young people, with safe and secure housing, finances, employment, education and recovery from trauma available for as long as people need it.

Perpetrators are held to account, engaged and connected

  • Early intervention prevents escalation - people including children and young people, at risk of using family violence are identified early and provided with effective early interventions.
  • Perpetrators are accountable for their behaviour - people are supported to recognise factors contributing to their violent behaviours and provided with tools and strategies to act differently, preventing reoffending.
  • Perpetrators are held to account - perpetrators of family violence face timely and appropriate consequences.
  • Perpetrators are in view - perpetrators are engaged and connected to relevant agencies. Collaborative approaches and information sharing infrastructure support systemic responsibility for hold perpetrators to account.

Preventing and responding to family violence is systemic and enduring

  • Initiatives to respond to family violence are accessible and available in the right place at the right time. Prevention activities are coordinated and universal - the support system is easy to navigate and services are available to people when and where they need them, at all times of the day and night. Prevention activities occur across all key settings.
  • Initiatives to respond to family violence are person-centred - services are personalised, flexible, culturally relevant and reflect individual and family choices, need and circumstances, particularly for diverse communities and those with complex needs.
  • The system is united, integrated and joined-up - services work together and share information to provide a coordinated quality response to people and families, informed by dynamic risk assessment and sensitive to people's diverse needs. The system supports effective and evidence based prevention efforts.
  • The workforce is properly recognised and effectively responds, understands risk and need and is skilled to prevent family violence - the workforce is supported through new career pathways, fair conditions and a commitment to enhanced wellbeing and safety, and is skilled to meet people's diverse needs.
