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The Orange Door brings together different workforces and practices as a team to provide a consolidated intake point in each area to support:

  • women, children, young people and families experiencing family violence
  • perpetrators of family violence
  • families in need of support with the care, development and wellbeing of children

The Orange Door draws on the expertise of CSOs and brings together practitioners from organisations that previously:

  • received police referrals for women and children who were victims of family violence
  • received police referrals for perpetrators of family violence (known as ‘enhanced intake services’)
  • provided the Child FIRST service
  • deliver other relevant services as appropriate, such as those delivered by Aboriginal services

The Orange Door is staffed by workers employed by FSV, CSOs, Aboriginal services and DHHS.

Each worker at The Orange Door continues to be employed and managed by their employing organisation, with terms and conditions of employment (such as salaries and working conditions) from the applicable registered agreement, award or legislation being protected.

The Orange Door team

The Orange Door team employed by CSOs assesses the risk and needs of women and children, families, and perpetrators. They draw on the expertise of different practitioners in a multidisciplinary team with specialists in family violence, child and family services and perpetrator/men’s services.

Practice leadership

  • Integrated practice leader – employed by CSOs to promote and support integrated clinical practice and decision making.
  • Advanced family violence practice leader – employed by CSOs to support practice within The Orange Door and provide secondary consultation in relation to complex family violence cases.
  • Aboriginal practice leader – employed by Aboriginal services to provide practice leadership and support The Orange Door team to ensure cultural safety and choice for Aboriginal people.
  • Senior child protection practitioner1 – employed by DHHS to provide expert advice regarding the safety and wellbeing of children, support referral and engagement of families with The Orange Door and services, and provide access to information about current or previous assessments and interventions by Child Protection.
  • Service system navigator – employed by FSV to establish and maintain practice interface agreements with key services across the local service network and to resolve system access and navigation issues, including to strengthen access and responsiveness to diverse communities.

1 Previously known as a community-based child protection practitioner, as based with Child FIRST

Operational leadership

  • The Hub Manager – employed by FSV to provide strategic and operational management and oversight for The Orange Door in their area including the primary premises. The Hub manager and locally-based support staff employed by FSV facilitate operations, partnerships and connection to government and the broader service system.
  • Team Leader(s) – employed by CSOs to provide operational management of The Orange Door team, including managing performance and workload and to provide oversight and guidance to team members.
  • Child Protection Team Manager – employed by DHHS to provide line management, supervision and support to senior child protection practitioners based at The Orange Door.

The Orange Door does not replace specialist services providing casework, support and accommodation; however, some practitioners from these and other services may choose to co-locate or meet with clients at The Orange Door. This may include specialist women’s family violence services, family services, perpetrator/men’s services, legal services, drug and alcohol services, mental health services, sexual assault services or other services.

The key responsibilities of each operational role at The Orange Door are listed below.

The Hub Manager

  • is employed by FSV
  • is based within The Orange Door
  • reports to the Assistant Director, Hub Operations.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Drive strong/positive connections between The Orange Door and agencies within The Orange Door network and broader system interface
  • Strategic development of The Orange Door
  • Drive alignment to the MARAM Framework
  • Build local and system partnerships to facilitate consistent and collaborative practice
  • Participate on Hub Leadership Group
  • Strategic monitoring and management of performance and demand
  • Monitor and analyse client outcomes data, including client experience/satisfaction at the service level to inform continuous improvement
  • Identify and resolve systemic issues that may affect service delivery
  • Oversee the day to day supervision and performance of FSV staff within The Orange Door
  • Planning and coordination of day-to-day operations including oversight of facilities management, information technology, car parks, security, occupational safety, risk management, contract management and procurement
  • Complaints and critical incidents
  • Facilities budget and brokerage budget management
  • Liaise with DHHS regarding legislative and regulatory facility compliance
  • Develop and monitor The Orange Door systems and processes, including for staff induction, data collection, record keeping
  • Manage The Orange Door reception and administrative support staff and oversee external services collocating or using the facilities

Operational Support Officer

  • is employed by FSV
  • is based within The Orange Door.
  • reports to the Hub Manager.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Provide support to the Hub Manager
  • Responsible for the day to day supervision of the Administrative Officer
  • Maintain partnership and interface with DHHS Corporate Support at a local level.
  • Provide professional leadership and guidance to all staff as required
  • Support the Hub Manager and Practice Leaders to identify and resolve complex operational issues as they arise
  • Provide authoritative advice and prepare reports and briefings to senior management, the Hub Leadership and Operational Groups, and external stakeholders
  • Provide a point of liaison between CSO’s and FSV/DHHS Human Resources, to support vacancy management and recruitment processes
  • Maintain financial systems, processes and compliance activities
  • Contribute to the day-to-day operations of The Orange Door, to include oversight of facilities management, information technology and fleet management

Strategic Planning and Reporting Officer

  • is employed by FSV
  • is based within The Orange Door.
  • reports to the Hub Manager.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Provide direct support to the Hub Manager
  • Provide authoritative and strategic advice and prepare reports and briefings to the Hub Manager, Hub Leadership and Operations Groups
  • Monitor and evaluate the actions and impact of The Orange Door against the strategic goals and plans of FSV to include:
  • Client experience/outcome data
  • Monitoring and reporting on key performance indicators
  • Collate and maintain information from community service organisations to keep accurate and timely records of service capacity and availability
  • Identify systemic issues which may impact on service delivery and provide authoritative advice, recommendations and innovative solutions
  • Review, evaluate and recommend process and system improvements, including risk management procedures and critical incident reporting

Hub Team Leader(s)

  • is employed by a CSO
  • is based with The Orange Door workforce, except in agreed circumstances.
  • reports to the employing CSO

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Operational management of The Orange Door team including:
  • developing staff rosters
  • monitoring The Orange Door team performance
  • assigning cases to The Orange Door team members
  • approving allocations to core services
  • providing leadership, guidance and oversight, including embedding the MARAM Framework in The Orange Door
  • identifying and mitigating issues that may adversely affect client outcomes
  • monitoring delivery of navigation support
  • aligning work with the interim integrated practice framework, interim operational and procedural guidelines, service model, service specifications and the MARAM Framework
  • clinical practice and support multi-disciplinary case management
  • practice supervision:
  • case supervision and support
  • clinical support and advice
  • monitor alignment with relevant practice standards and frameworks
  • identify capability gaps and provide access to professional development
  • support with tailoring approaches, critical reflection and reflective practice in working with clients from Aboriginal communities, diverse communities and at-risk age groups to enable an intersectional lens to risk assessment and management practice
  • management and support of staff employed by their CSO.
  • performance management
  • The Orange Door workload management
  • professional development and training related to The Orange Door operations

Child Protection Team Manager

  • is employed by DHHS
  • is based within The Orange Door
  • reports to the Deputy Area Operations Manager

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Provide leadership, supervision and clinical practice supervision to the Senior Child Protection Practitioners within The Orange Door
  • Participate in and represent Child Protection in appropriate levels of governance arrangements for The Orange Door
  • Support operational management of and work in partnership with The Orange Door and Integrated Family Services (IFS) and participate in triage of complex referrals to The Orange Door involving vulnerable children and families, promoting coordinated response and effective interventions
  • Be responsible for effective service delivery, including the interface between the Senior Child Protection Practitioners and The Orange Door, as well as with Integrated Family Services
  • Provide specialist secondary consultation support to all practitioners across specialist family violence, child and family services, perpetrator services and Aboriginal organisations and services at The Orange Door
  • Where required, participate in dispute resolution processes, where disputes arise between Child Protection, The Orange Door and IFS
  • Monitor client outcomes and oversee and contribute to accurate data reporting systems, which will assist, in part, in tracking demand for future area based planning
  • Provide strategic oversight on the interaction of safety and wellbeing and family violence-related assessment of children to assist with ensuring children are recognised as victim survivors in their own right and that their needs and the impacts of family violence, as well as their broader safety and wellbeing needs, are addressed

All staff of The Orange Door

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Administration and data management
  • Support integrated approaches
  • Ensure cultural safety
  • Ensure accessibility and respond to diversity, guided by an intersectional approach
  • Adhere to the interim integrated practice framework, interim operational and procedural guidelines, service model and service specifications and align with the MARAM Framework.

Operational leadership

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Leadership, including leading alignment of the MARAM Framework
  • Operational management
  • Day-to-day staff supervision

The key responsibilities of The Orange Door practice leadership are listed below.

Integrated Practice Leader

  • is employed by a CSO
  • is based within The Orange Door.
  • reports to the employing CSO.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Support integrated practice approaches within The Orange Door
  • Provide secondary consultation and advice on complex matters, consistent with MARAM Framework responsibilities 5 & 6
  • Lead clinical decision making to resolve practice issues, including where there are different views within The Orange Door team
  • Coordinate learning and development of the workforce through communities of practice and other professional development
  • Lead clinical practice and jointly manage cases
  • Manage The Orange Door brokerage approvals
  • Build the baseline understanding of targeted case management workforces to support more integrated service responses to The Orange Door clients
  • Work closely with The Orange Door Team and Practice Leader(s) to support a cohesive and integrated team
  • Contribute to case reviews, practice reflection and learning and development of The Orange Door workforce beyond their own specialty to strengthen worker expertise in the areas of Family Violence (including perpetrator services), Child and Family Services, Child Protection, Aboriginal organisations and services, and experience of family violence across diverse communities.

Advanced Family Violence Practice Leader

  • is employed by a CSO
  • is based within The Orange Door.
  • reports to the employing CSO.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Lead clinical practice and jointly manage cases
  • Oversee referrals to Risk Assessment and Management Panels (RAMPs)
  • Prioritise and approve Central Information Point (CIP) requests
  • Clinical advice and decision making in family violence cases where there are different views within The Orange Door team
  • Deliver practice leadership and secondary consultation to service providers on family violence beyond The Orange Door, consistent with MARAM Framework responsibilities 5 & 6
  • Contribute to case reviews, practice reflection and learning and development to build The Orange Door workforce capacity in family violence, including capacity to address the range of presentations of risk across the community and applying an intersectional lens
  • Build baseline family violence navigation capability

Aboriginal Practice Leader

  • is employed by Aboriginal service(s)
  • may be based within The Orange Door or Aboriginal service (subject to agreement at the local level).
  • reports to the employing Aboriginal Service.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Lead clinical practice and small caseload
  • Work directly with a cohort of Aboriginal clients, as negotiated at the area level
  • Facilitate and navigate pathways to local Aboriginal organisations and services and interventions on behalf of The Orange Door clients and practitioners, consistent with MARAM Framework responsibilities 5 & 6
  • Align activities with Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way
  • Consider the dynamics, connections and relationships at play in the local community and service environment
  • Contribute a cultural lens to workforce development
  • Contribute to recruitment of Aboriginal employees

Senior Child Protection Practitioner(s)

  • is employed by DHHS
  • is based at The Orange Door.
  • reports to the Team Manager.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Work in close partnership with local Aboriginal organisations and services. Provide expert advice regarding the safety and wellbeing of children to staff
  • Provide access to information about previous assessments and interventions by Child Protection
  • Participate within The Orange Door multidisciplinary activities concerning children identifies with significant concerns for their wellbeing
  • Be a point of consultation to practitioners at The Orange Door regarding children and young people where risk is assessed as escalating or a report to Child Protection is being considered
  • Participate in joint visits, case conferencing and meetings with practitioners at The Orange Door to support assessment, planning and decision making
  • Support The Orange Door practitioners and broader integrated family services colleagues to focus on the safety and wellbeing of children in all aspects of their work across the continuum of service delivery
  • Support and collaborate with The Orange Door staff and other services to ensure assessment of family violence risk for children, as well as safety and wellbeing considerations (which may or may not also relate to family violence), are assessed and considered
  • Contribute to the development and delivery of community education to agencies regarding child protection statutory processes and responsibilities
  • Utilise Child Protection knowledge and skills to assist The Orange Door practitioners to build capacity and confidence in identifying and managing cases where there is additional complexity and or risk for children
  • Manage unborn reports for matters where Child Protection intervention is likely post birth

Service System Navigator

  • is employed by FSV
  • is based within The Orange Door.
  • reports to the Hub Manager.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Establish and maintain service interface agreements, local arrangements and operating protocols with key services across the local area and broader service network
  • Partner with local service sector to identify opportunities to address local areas service gaps that improves service delivery
  • Resolve system access and navigation issues
  • Monitor progress of service engagement, connections and service capacity, identifying actual and potential barriers and finding effective ways to deal with them
  • Provide authoritative advice and or secondary consultation to internal and external stakeholders regarding service interfaces and access between The Orange Door and local service system
  • Work with governance structures to effect change
  • No caseload responsibilities
  • Support alignment of policies and practices to MARAM with a focus in particular on consistent and collaborative practice, responsibilities 5 & 6 (information sharing with other services, including secondary consultation and referral) and responsibilities 9 & 10 (Leading and contributing to ongoing collaborative risk management)

All practice leadership team

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Leadership including leading alignment with the MARAM Framework
  • Clinical supervision and advice
  • Specialist or secondary consultation within and beyond The Orange Door
  • Support The Orange Door workforce development
  • Support collaboration and communities of practice

The key responsibilities of The Orange Door team are listed below

The Orange Door team are Specialist Family Violence services, perpetrator services and Child and Family Services workers. They are:

  • employed by CSOs
  • based within The Orange Door
  • report to the employing CSO

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Clinical practice and caseload
  • Receive and process all referrals to The Orange Door
  • Deliver: screening and triage, assessment, crisis responses, service planning, targeted interventions, allocation and coordinated referrals
  • Provide information and advice about service options and pathways
  • Advocate for clients and service access
  • Navigate the service system for clients
  • Identify when a CIP request may be required and refer to the advanced family violence practice leader
  • Provide a clear description of the services provided by The Orange Door, and provide timely and up to date information, in response to phone, email and face to face enquiries
  • Approve brokerage within delegations
  • Liaise with The Orange Door Practice Leaders to support risk assessment and planning including with the: Aboriginal Services Practice Leader, Advanced Family Violence Practice Leader, Integrated Practice Leader and Senior Child Protection Practitioner.
  • Align family violence risk assessment and management practice with the MARAM Framework.
  • Liaise with professionals outside The Orange Door, including for purposes of ongoing risk management (responsibilities 9 & 10 and information sharing, secondary consultation and referral (MARAM Framework responsibilities 5 & 6)
  • Provide mentoring and support to The Orange Door team members, as appropriate
  • Share integrated approaches and learnings with CSO employer
  • Actively develop and maintain effective working relationships with all The Orange Door staff
  • Respond effectively to clients from Aboriginal communities, diverse communities and at-risk age groups to ensure an inclusive and responsive approach.

Client Support Officer(s)

  • employed by FSV
  • based within The Orange Door
  • report to the Hub Manager.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Identify client pathways within the internal environment of The Orange Door, and support client access to the relevant services and team members
  • Support the Hub Manager and broader workforce at The Orange Door to deliver client focused objectives
  • Prioritise tasks to be able to provide optimal service delivery to clients
  • Provide administration support, including ascertaining and maintaining client information, stakeholder and community service organisation communication, and general clerical duties.
  • Exercise advanced interpersonal communication skills in response to diverse presentations of client needs, including in behavioural presentation, consistent with MARAM Framework responsibility 1 (Respectful, Sensitive and Safe Engagement)
  • Respond effectively to ensure that Aboriginal people receive culturally appropriate services that meet their needs
  • As a team member at The Orange Door, provide timely and effective customer service to clients of The Orange Door.

Administrative Officer

  • is employed by FSV
  • based within The Orange Door
  • reports to the Operational Support Officer.

Key responsibilities at The Orange Door

  • Provide assistance with administrative processes and information systems such as the Client Records Management database, fleet administration, room bookings and logistical planning.
  • Keep accurate reports and records of financial information and assets management, and perform financial administration duties under approval
  • Assist with administrative process in relation to stakeholder correspondence with FSV, DHHS, CSO staff and stakeholders, providing timely information and advice as required.
