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Our role: Recycling Victoria

Recycling Victoria provides leadership and oversight of waste and resource recovery services to support the circular economy.

Reusing, recycling or reprocessing waste to get more value from resources

Recycling Victoria acts for a better and more reliable waste and recycling system to lay the foundation for Victoria’s transition to a circular economy.

It works closely with:

  • local councils and Alpine Resorts Victoria
  • state government agencies
  • the waste management, recycling, and resource recovery sector
  • businesses and organisations.

Victoria’s Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021 gives the legal foundation for Recycling Victoria’s functions and powers.

Working across government

Recycling Victoria’s sector-wide leadership and regulation of waste management and resource recovery complement the roles of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Sustainability Victoria, and the Environment Protection Authority.

These government agencies work together and provide services to:

  • prevent waste from being generated
  • maximise resource recovery
  • reduce hazardous components in waste and products
  • provide services to households and businesses that are cost-effective, safe and reliable
  • ensure the waste and recycling sector can adapt to and withstand market disruptions
  • manage risks in the waste and recycling sector
  • support delivery of the Victorian Government’s circular economy plan.

Roles in statewide waste management and resource recovery

Government body and role Functions in the waste and recycling sector Legal context

Recycling Victoria

Sector leadership and oversight

  • Leadership and strategic planning
  • Regulation of service standards
  • Strategic procurement
  • Data collection, analysis and reporting
  • Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021

Sustainability Victoria

Transitioning Victoria to a circular, climate-resilient economy

  • Statewide education and behaviour change programs
  • Facilitation of industry grants and investment
  • Promotion of waste avoidance and reduction, resource recovery, re-use and recycling
  • Sustainability Victoria Act 2005

Environment Protection Authority Victoria

Preventing harm from waste to human health and the environment.

  • Identification, monitoring, assessment and response to risks of harm
  • Administration of permissions relating to waste and resource recovery
  • Monitoring, support, and enforcement of environmental and waste duties
  • Regulation of the transport of waste
  • Collection of waste levy funds
  • Environment Protection Act 2017

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Policy, regulations and legislation for waste and recycling

  • Statewide policy, regulations, and legislation
  • Governance, oversight and coordination of policy implementation
  • Oversight of the Sustainability Fund
  • Collaboration with Australian and state/territory governments
  • Various legislative responsibilities
