The Circular Economy Market Report provides information on the generation, collection, sorting, re-processing, or re-manufacturing of waste within the circular economy market.
The report highlights the opportunities to improve circularity in the management of materials, with actions or market strategies provided to address the opportunities.
The Circular Economy Market Report provides information on 8 key material streams:
- aggregates, masonry, and soil
- glass
- metals
- organics
- paper and cardboard
- plastics
- tyres
- textiles.
The report has also identified material streams that are continuing to challenge the sector, such as textiles, plastics, and tyres as well as emerging materials entering the market such as solar panels, batteries, and wind turbines .
The report will be used to help businesses and the government to make better policy and investment decisions.
The Circular Economy Market Report will continue to evolve in future years, as further important work is done to expand measurement of Victoria’s material streams.
The report is based on resource recovery rates as a measure of the circular economy market, understanding the current limitations to fully reporting the circularity of each material stream.
When a new circular economy metric is established, Victoria will have reached a significant milestone as no other Australian jurisdiction currently has a metric that effectively measures material circularity.