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A made up person, based on user research, that represents a group of people who use a site, service or product in a similar way or who have similar user needs.


  • A brief, single-page mock biography that helps team members keep the user in mind when working.
  • A way of summarising common behavioural traits and needs.

Use when

  • You’re beginning to generate ideas for design concepts or start prototyping and you want to keep the needs of particular user groups in mind.
  • You want to bring to life the differences between different segments in your market.

Personas are not

Real people – Personas are archetypes; representations of an average or typical user within a particular segment.


For each persona, include only information that will help you to generate ideas and prototype. The persona’s needs should always be included. Where relevant, you can also include accessibility requirements, channel preferences and purchasing behaviours.

Key terminology

Market segment: A subsection of a greater market or user base that contains users who share common attributes or needs.
