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Stakeholder engagement plan


A plan for how, when and why a project team will involve and communicate with project stakeholders.


  • A clear understanding of the project’s stakeholders and their needs.
  • A list of communication activities that should be carried out during the project.
  • Reassurance for sponsors and executives that staff will be kept in the loop and engaged early as part of any larger change agenda.

Use when

  • A project is part of a change or transformation program and the team needs to communicate well to ensure their work is integrated with other projects.
  • There are multiple demands on the time of stakeholders – so careful management of messaging is required.


Share the insights you generate through your research when communicating with stakeholders to engage them, generate interest and promote the value of research in the HCD process.

Key terminology

Stakeholder map: A visual representation of the various stakeholders involved in a project and their relationship to the project.

Communications plan: A timeline of all communications activities, meetings and presentations mapped to the project plan stages and stakeholders.

Stakeholder: Someone who will participate in an HCD project directly (perhaps as a sponsor, a manager, a research participant) or someone who needs to be consulted or informed as a project progresses.
