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Information for workers - Portable Long Service Authority

Check if you're eligible and find out how to register for the scheme and claim long service benefits.

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The Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme provides portable long service benefits to Victorian workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries, allowing workers to build up long service entitlements based on time spent in the industry, rather than with a single employer.

Portable long service means you accrue long service benefits for all your years in a single industry, rather than with a single employer.

It’s ‘portable’ because it moves with you if you change employers but remain in the industry.

Long service leave

In Australia, workers are entitled to paid leave in addition to their annual leave, after a long period of working for the same employer. This is called long service leave and each state or territory has its own long service leave laws that set out how long a worker must be working to get long service leave and how much long service leave they get.

Learn more about long service leave

Portable long service

In addition to traditional long service, Victoria offers portable long service benefits for eligible workers in the community services, contract cleaning and security industries.

The Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme allows eligible workers to build up long service entitlements based on time spent in the industry, rather than with a single employer.

This means that, from 1 July 2019, eligible workers can keep their portable long service leave entitlement even if they work for different employers over the years.

If you work in the community services, contract cleaning or security industries, your employer is responsible for registering you with the scheme, and for paying for it.

Once your employer has registered you, you’ll get a welcome pack in the mail that will include your Worker ID.

Each quarter, your employer will record your service and wages with us and pay a levy. That levy is then managed in a central fund.

There is no cost for you to be a registered worker with us.

What happens to the long service leave I have already accrued?

Portable long service leave doesn’t affect any traditional long service leave you have accrued in your current job.

You can continue to accrue and use traditional long service entitlements as you also build up entitlement to portable long service leave.

The only difference is that, if you change employers but remain in the industry, you can take your portable long service entitlements with you.

What if I have more than one employer?

If you work in the same industry for multiple employers, each employer must register you for the scheme.

If one of your employers hasn’t registered you, you should contact them in the first instance to ensure they are aware of the scheme.

If your employer is registered with the PLSA, you can seek clarification about why they haven’t registered you, and even provide them with your Worker ID.

You can use our employer lookup tool to confirm whether your employer is registered with the PLSA.

If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome of this, you can contact us by phoning 1800 517 158 or emailing

What if I am an interstate worker?

If you are a worker living interstate and working from home for an employer that is registered with the Portable Long Service Authority, you may be covered under the Scheme.

If you are a covered worker who usually performs work within Victoria, but have an arrangement with your employer to perform the role remotely from outside of Victoria and your work is directly connected to Victoria, you should be registered.

For example, workers providing online counselling to clients living in Victoria should be registered.

Registered workers who move interstate and are providing services for an interstate employer should contact and register with that state or territory’s equivalent scheme.

You should update your details in the Portable Long Service Authority worker portal so you can be contacted.

What do I need to do?

Once you have your Worker ID you should register for access to the Worker Portal.

Through the portal you will be able to track your employer contributions, current accrual under the scheme, update your address and phone number and access your Annual Statements.

Log in to the worker portal

Does the scheme cover jobs with previous employers before 1 July 2019?

No. The Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme began 1 July 2019 for community services, contract cleaning and security employers, and from 1 January 2020 for NDIS services and Early Childhood services providers.

Roles with different employers previous these dates are not covered under the scheme even if they were within the covered sectors.

What happens if I change employer?

If you change employer in the same industry, you can take your Worker ID and provide it to your new employer and they will start making contributions to your portable long service leave.

Registering for online access to the worker portal

Am I an eligible worker?



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