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Group of stylised people representing the diversity of the LGBTIQ+ community

Framework for change

The Victorian Government commits to improving the lives of all LGBTIQA+ people and communities. This includes ensuring the systems, policies and services we provide and fund are accessible and inclusive.

The LGBTIQA+ strategy provides the vision and pathway to drive the long-term and systemic change we need. Through consultations with Victorians, we have developed four priority areas within which to organise the actions we commit to in this strategy.

These priority areas are not specific to one area of government but sit across all Victorian Government responsibilities. The Victorian Government controls ways to drive and embed change in each area. The recognition that the LGBTIQA+ strategy needs to reflect the diverse experiences of all LGBTIQA+ Victorians underpins the priority areas.

The actions we take as the Victorian Government are only one part of the ecosystem that affects the life of an individual from the LGBTIQA+ community. This ecosystem includes:

  • LGBTIQA+ communities
  • LGBTIQA+ organisations and their projects
  • government and non-government organisations
  • the broader Victorian population.

The Victorian Government holds many of the levers to drive LGBTIQA+ equality in Victoria. But we all have a role to play – including the broader Victorian community.

The Victorian LGBTIQA+ ecosystem

  • Download 'The Victorian LGBTIQA+ ecosystem'

The actions undertaken as part of the LGBTIQA+ strategy aim to drive a range of immediate and longer term outcomes to improve the lives of LGBTIQA+ Victorians. We will develop an outcomes framework to track the impact of our actions and how they are delivering against our priority areas and the strategy’s vision.

Rainbow colours symbolising the LGBTIQA+ community
