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Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee Program Guidelines

The Program Guidelines give an overview of the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee, including the eligibility requirements and the eligible occupations.

The Sick Pay Guarantee pilot program is closed.

The last date to submit claims was 30 June 2024.

What is the Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee?

The Victorian Government’s Sick Pay Guarantee (Sick Pay Guarantee) provided up to 38 hours of personal and/or carer’s pay to eligible workers.

What are the Program Guidelines?

The Program Guidelines set out the terms of the Sick Pay Guarantee and answer the following questions:

  1. Am I eligible for the Sick Pay Guarantee?
  2. What evidence do I need to prove I am eligible for the Sick Pay Guarantee?
  3. What do I need to make a claim?
  4. How do I make a claim?
  5. What evidence do I need to support my claim?
  6. How will the Victorian Government review my application and claims?
  7. How will the Victorian Government protect my data and privacy?

The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (Department) can withdraw or amend the payment or these Program Guidelines and application terms. We can do this at any time and without notice.

Updated Program Guidelines

The Victorian Government has made some changes to the Sick Pay Guarantee.

The Program Guidelines were updated at 2:00 pm 7 May 2024.

To get a copy of the previous version of the guidelines, please email

1. Am I eligible for the Sick Pay Guarantee?

The Sick Pay Guarantee pilot program is closed.

To be eligible for the Sick Pay Guarantee you must meet all these criteria:

  • Age – be 15 years or over
  • Type of employee – be a casual employee OR self-employed (such as a sole trader or an independent contractor) with no other employees or contractors who perform work on their behalf
  • Leave entitlements – not be entitled to paid annual, personal, sick or carer’s leave in any of your jobs
  • Workplace – work physically in Victoria, no matter where you live
  • Right to work – have the right to work in Australia
  • Occupation – work in an eligible occupation (see Appendix 1)
  • Average hours worked – on average you work at least 7.6 hours per week in an eligible occupation(s).

How do I calculate my average hours?

You can calculate your average hours worked by dividing the total number of hours worked by the number of weeks worked in that period.

For example, if you worked as a casual café worker with the following hours over a four week period:

  • First week: 10 hours
  • Second week: 3 hours
  • Third week: 7.5 hours
  • Fourth week: 10 hours

Your average hours worked would be:

(10+3+7.5+10) divided by 4 = 7.63 hours per week.

You must also be able to:

  • show evidence that you are eligible
  • meet other requirements set out by the Department.

2. What evidence do I need to prove I am eligible for the Sick Pay Guarantee?

To register for the Sick Pay Guarantee, you must:

  • meet the eligibility criteria
  • give evidence to prove you are eligible
  • have your completed application submitted before 2:00 pm 7 May 2024.

This includes:

All eligible workers

You need to show 2 of these documents:

  • Full Australian birth certificate (not a birth extract or birth card)
  • Australian passport (current or has expired within the last 3 years)
  • Foreign passport (with a valid Australian Visa Grant Notice)
  • ImmiCard
  • Australian driver licence
  • Medicare card
  • Australian citizenship certificate

Under 18 without 2 forms of ID?

If you are under 18 and don’t have 2 forms of ID, you can apply with only one.

Not an Australian citizen or permanent resident?

If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and do not have two forms of ID listed above, you can apply with your foreign passport with a valid Australian Visa Grant Notice.

If you cannot provide a copy of your valid Australian Visa Grant Notice, you can apply with your passport or one of the other ID documents listed above, and an Australian student ID card from a secondary school, TAFE, university or Registered Training Organisation.

Casual employees

As well as the documents above, you need to show at least one of the documents that demonstrates your eligible occupation below:

  • A payslip from within the last month
  • A letter of offer from your employer if you have been employed less than a month
  • A current employment contract that is less than twelve months old
  • A letter from your employer verifying your employment
  • A statutory declaration stating:
    • your occupation, which must be an eligible occupation (see Appendix 1)
    • the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the business where you work
    • that you are a casual employee
    • that you have the right to work in Australia
    • that you do not have paid annual, personal, sick or carer’s leave entitlements in your job(s)
    • that you work, on average, at least 7.6 hours per week at your eligible occupation(s).


You need to show a valid ABN of your business and at least one of the documents that demonstrates your eligible occupation below:

  • An invoice issued by your business (which includes dates when a service was given, ABN and business name) that is less than six months old
  • Your most recent business activity statement that is less than six months old
  • Your most recent PAYG payment summary
  • ASIC or Australian Business Register confirmation of your business registration
  • A statutory declaration stating:
    • your occupation
    • the ABN of your business
    • that you have the right to work in Australia
    • that you do not have paid annual, personal, sick or carer’s leave entitlements in your job(s)
    • that you work, on average, for at least 7.6 hours per week.

3. What do I need to make a claim?

To be eligible to make a claim you must:

Claim time limit

Submit your claim within 60 days of the absence from work and no later than 11:59 pm on 30 June 2024.

  • Note that you cannot claim for any absences before you registered for the Sick Pay Guarantee.
  • Note that the last date you can be absent from work and eligible for sick and carer’s pay is 31 May 2024.

Under special circumstances, the Department may waive the requirement to claim within 60 days of your absence.

Unable to work

Confirm that you would have done paid work during the claim period, however, you were unable to work because of either:

  • an injury or illness that affected you
  • you had to care for or support a member of your immediate family, or a member of your household. This is because they had an illness, injury or unexpected emergency that affected them.

Employment proof

Show proof you were employed during the claim period. This can be a letter of offer from your employer, or a payslip for paid work during the claim period.

Income and earnings

Not get other income or earnings during the claim period from:

  • paid work
  • any Australian Government or Victorian Government payments to do with work such as:
    • The JobSeeker payment
    • Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment
    • High-Risk Setting Pandemic Payment
    • Aged care worker COVID-19 leave payment grants
  • other payments such as:
    • Worker’s compensation
    • An income protection insurance payment.


  • Show evidence that you are eligible
  • Be able to show that you were absent from work due to personal illness or carer’s responsibilities and did not get any other income as above
  • Commit to participate in surveys to do with the Sick Pay Guarantee from time to time
  • Meet other requirements set out by the Department.

If you, your parent or legal guardian submit any false claim, it is at the absolute discretion of the Department whether or not you get further payments under the Sick Pay Guarantee.

If you have questions about whether your illness or injury is eligible under the Sick Pay Guarantee, please email

4. What evidence do I need to support my claim?

To get a payment, you must meet the eligibility criteria. You need to give evidence to prove your eligibility.

You may need to show more evidence to help with your claim. This could be a roster or an offer to work. You should keep copies of information and documents to do with your claim.

For a claim of less than 15 hours

Confirm that you were unable to work during the claim period because of either:

  • an injury or illness that affected you
  • you had to care for or support a member of your immediate family, or a member of your household. This is because they had an illness, injury or unexpected emergency that affected them.

For claims of 15 hours or more

This includes multiple claims over consecutive days of 15 hours or more. You must show at least one of the documents below for the claim period:

  • a medical certificate that states that you were not able to work due to:
    • personal illness, or personal injury, affecting you; or
    • having to care for or support a member of your immediate family, or of your household. This is because they have an illness, or injury or unexpected emergency that affected them.
  • an Absence from Work Certificate
  • a Carer’s Certificate for absences where you were providing care or support to a member of your immediate family or household
  • a statutory declaration stating that you were not able to work due to the reasons stated under ‘medical certificate’.

For claims of 30.4 hours or more you must also provide a roster or an offer to work.

5. How do I make a claim?

Submitting your claim

  • Submit your claim through the Sick Pay Guarantee website
  • If you are under 18 years, you must get consent (permission) from your parent or legal guardian to make a claim, in accordance with these Program Guidelines.


  • We aim to make payments within five business days
  • Your payment may take longer to arrive in your account:
    • if we need to contact you about any part of your claim
    • due to bank processing times.

Maximum amount you can claim

  • The most you can claim within 12 months is 38 hours, or five standard business days for each year you are registered.
  • You can make more than one claim over 12 months, but this must not add up to more than 38 hours.

Hours per day you can claim

  • A claim for any day must be at least three hours
  • A claim for more than one day must be at least three hours per day.

Claim rate

  • All claims will be paid at the national minimum wage as it was on the date the claim was made ($23.23 per hour as of 1 July 2023).

Claim time limit

  • Claims should be submitted within 60 days of your absence and no later than 11:59 pm on 30 June 2024. Note that you cannot claim for any absences before you registered for the Sick Pay Guarantee. If a claim is submitted after this time, it may not be approved.

Claiming for the future

  • Claims cannot be made for a period in the future
  • Claims cannot be made for any dates in the future unless it relates to a claim you are making today. For example, if you submitted a claim on Wednesday, and needed two more days off sick, you could also submit within the same claim for the next day (Thursday), and the day after that (Friday).
    • Correct: "Wednesday, Thursday, Friday"
    • Incorrect: "Wednesday, Friday, Sunday"

6. How will the Victorian Government review my application and claims?

Checking your information

To make sure it is correct, the evidence or personal information that you give to the Sick Pay Guarantee may be checked with:

  • your employer
  • principal contractor
  • parent or guardian if you are aged under 18 years old
  • other state and federal government departments and agencies.

Reviewing your application and claims

You may be audited by the Victorian Government or its representatives. You may need to give more evidence if asked. This may include (but is not limited to) evidence showing that, during the relevant claim period, you:

  • were working physically in Victoria
  • were employed to work or would have performed paid work in an eligible occupation but were not able to work due to the reasons in section 3
  • did not have access to paid leave entitlements or any other form of job-related income support in section 3
  • satisfied any other criteria in sections 1 or 3.

If any information in your claim is found to be false or misleading, you will need to repay the money given to you.

Only individual applicants may apply. Applications through a third party will not be accepted. We do not accept applications that are copies of each other.

If you are aged under 18 years, your parent or legal guardian must consent (agree) to you making the application in accordance with these Program Guidelines.

7. How will the Victorian Government protect my data and privacy?

Information given by you (or where applicable, your parent or legal guardian) for this application will be used by the Department and State and Australian Government Departments and Agencies to assess the application. It may also be used as supporting evidence, in program administration and program evaluation or review. Where you are aged under 18 years, your parent or legal guardian gives this consent on your behalf.

The Department may request help from other teams within the Department. This includes our COVID teams and their administration staff to assess your application and supporting evidence. The Department and their teams will be evaluating the program. They may give reports to Members of Parliament and their staff, on request.

In making an application, you consent (agree) to your information being given to State and Australian Government Departments and Agencies. This includes personal information, proof of identity and supporting evidence. This is to assess the application and to verify, confirm or audit information provided. For ABN Holders, the Department will supply information to the ATO under our obligations to generate Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) statements. The Department may also contact your employer or principal to verify the evidence given.

If personal information about third parties is included in the application, please make sure they are aware of and consent (agree) to this privacy statement.

Any personal information about you, or about a third party that you may care for, will be collected, held, managed, used, securely stored, disclosed, or transferred in keeping with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and other applicable laws.

For more information

Appendix 1: Eligible jobs

Jobs included in the Sick Pay Guarantee are:

Job: Hospitality workers

Type of work

Providing services to patrons of hotels, bars, cafes, restaurants, casinos and similar establishments:

  • Bar Attendant
  • Bar Back
  • Bar Steward
  • Bar Useful or Busser
  • Barista
  • Cafe Assistant
  • Cafe Attendant
  • Cafe Worker
  • Canteen Attendant
  • Casino Gaming Inspector
  • Cellar Hand (Hotel)
  • Croupier
  • Doorperson or Luggage Porter
  • Drink Waiter
  • Food and Beverage Attendant
  • Formal Service Waiter
  • Front Office Manager (Hotel)
  • Gaming Pit Boss
  • Gaming Worker
  • Glassie
  • Head Housekeeper
  • Head Porter (Hotel)
  • Hotel Concierge
  • Hotel Office Manager
  • Hotel Service Manager
  • Hotel Service Supervisor
  • Silver Service Waiter
  • Sommelier
  • Uniform Room Attendant
  • Waiter/Waitress
  • Wine Steward

Job: Food preparation assistants

Type of work

Preparing food in fast food establishments, assisting food trades workers and service staff to prepare and serve food, cleaning food preparation and service areas.

  • Bakery Assistant
  • Butcher’s Assistant
  • Chef’s Assistant
  • Cook’s Assistant
  • Dishwasher
  • Fast Food Cook
  • Kitchen Steward
  • Kitchenhand
  • Pantry Attendant
  • Pastrycook’s Assistant
  • Sandwich Hand
  • Short Order Cook

Job: Food trades workers

Type of work

Baking bread and pastry goods; preparing meat for sale; planning, organising, preparing and cooking food for dining and catering establishments.

  • Baker
  • Butcher or Smallgoods Maker
  • Cake Decorator
  • Chef
  • Chef de Partie
  • Commis Chef
  • Cook
  • Demi Chef
  • Dough Maker
  • Pastrycook
  • Second Chef
  • Sous Chef

Job: Sales support workers

Type of work

Providing assistance to retailers, wholesalers and sales staff by operating cash registers, modelling, demonstrating, selecting, buying, promoting and displaying goods.

  • Cashier
  • Checkout Operator
  • Entertainment Usher
  • Gatekeeper
  • Merchandise Planner
  • Merchandiser
  • Mystery Shopper
  • Office Cashier
  • Other Sales Support Worker
  • Personal Shopper
  • Retail Buyer
  • Sales Demonstrator
  • Service Station Console Operator
  • Telemarketer
  • Ticket Collector or Usher
  • Ticket Seller
  • Turnstile Attendant
  • Venue Attendant
  • Visual Merchandiser
  • Window Dresser

Job: Sales assistants

Type of work

Selling goods and services directly to the public on behalf of retail and wholesale establishments.

  • Automotive Parts Interpreter
  • Bottle Dealer
  • Car Rental Sales Assistant
  • Carpet Measurer
  • Cash Van Salesperson
  • Checkout Supervisor
  • Clothing Sales Assistant
  • Cosmetic Sales Assistant
  • Door-to-door Salesperson
  • Driveway Attendant
  • Fast Food Sales Assistant
  • Fleet Salesperson
  • Hardware Sales Assistant
  • Ice-cream Van Vendor
  • ICT Sales Assistant
  • Industrial Hire Sales Assistant
  • Lotteries Agent
  • Market Stall Vendor
  • Materials Recycler
  • Milk Vendor
  • Mobile Phone Salesperson
  • Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson
  • Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter / Automotive Parts Salesperson
  • Motor Vehicle Salesperson
  • Optical Dispenser / Dispensing Optician
  • Party Plan Salesperson
  • Pharmacy Sales Assistant
  • Rental Clerk
  • Rental Salesperson
  • Retail Sales Assistant
  • Retail Supervisor
  • Sales Assistant (General)
  • Sales Department Supervisor
  • Scrap Materials Buyer
  • Service Station Attendant
  • Street Vendor
  • Swimming Pool Salesperson
  • Video Library Assistant

Job: Other labourers who work in supermarket supply chains

Type of work

Including workers who fill shelves and display areas in stores and supermarkets; load and unload trucks and containers; and handle goods and freight.

  • Forklift Driver
  • Forklift Operator
  • Fork Truck Operator
  • Freight Handler (Rail or Road)
  • Freight Loader
  • Janitor
  • Night Filler
  • Other Clerical and Administrative Workers who work in supermarket supply chains:
    • Customer Orders Clerk
    • Delivery Clerk
    • Internal Salesperson
    • Inventory Clerk
    • Logistics Clerk
    • Mail Order Clerk
    • Order Clerk
    • Procurement Officer
    • Production Clerk
    • Production Recorder
    • Purchasing Officer
    • Sales Order Clerk
    • Schedule Clerk
    • Stock Clerk
    • Stock Control Clerk
    • Stores Clerk
    • Supply Clerk
    • Warehouse Administrator
  • Shelf Filler
  • Storepersons working in supermarket supply chains including:
    • Chiller Hand
    • Manufacturing Storeperson
    • Order Picker/Assembler
    • Storeperson
    • Stores Assistant
    • Stores Despatch Hand
    • Warehouse Assistant
  • Trolley Collector
  • Truck Driver’s Offsider
  • Truck Driver (General)

Job: Aged and disability carers

Type of work

Providing general household and supported independent living assistance, emotional support, care and companionship for aged persons and people with disability in their own homes. ‘Home’ may include residential settings such as residential aged care, supported independent living, and specialist disability accommodation where a person lives. This excludes unpaid carer support for family and friends.

  • Aged or Disability Care Worker
  • Aged or Disability Carer
  • Disabilities Services Officer
  • Personal Care Worker
  • Personal Carer

Job: Carers and Aides

Type of work:

Providing basic care, supervision and other support services to individuals for the enhancement of their education, health, welfare and comfort

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Worker
  • Child Care Aide
  • Child Care Group Leader
  • Child Care Worker
  • Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant
  • Children’s Nursey Assistant
  • Creche Attendant
  • Dental Assistant
  • Dental Chairside Assistant
  • Dental Nurse
  • Diversional Therapist’s Assistant
  • Early Childhood Worker
  • Family Day Care Worker
  • Family Day Carer
  • Health Care Assistant
  • Hospital Orderly
  • Hostel Parent
  • House Parent
  • Integration Aide
  • Nanny
  • Nursing Support Worker
  • Occupational Therapist’s Assistant
  • Out of School Hours Care Worker
  • Patient Services Assistant
  • Personal Care Assistant
  • Physiotherapist’s Assistant
  • Preschool Aide
  • Refuge Worker
  • School Services Officer
  • Student Liaison Officer
  • Teachers’ Aide
  • Teachers’ Assistant
  • Therapist's Assistant
  • Therapy Aide
  • Wardsperson

Job: Welfare Support Workers

Type of work:

Providing support, information and advice to clients on emotional, financial, recreational, health, housing and other social welfare matters, and evaluating and coordinating the services of welfare and community service agencies.

  • Community Development Officer
  • Community Support Worker
  • Community Worker
  • Family Support Worker
  • Housing Officer
  • Parole or Probation Officer
  • Residential Care Officer
  • Youth Accommodation Support Worker
  • Youth Justice Officer
  • Youth Liaison Officer
  • Youth Officer
  • Youth Support Worker
  • Youth Worker

Job: Cleaners and laundry workers

Type of work

Cleaning vehicles, commercial, industrial and domestic premises, construction sites and industrial machines, and clothing and other items in laundries and dry‑cleaning establishments.

  • Aircraft Cabin Cleaner
  • Car Detailer
  • Carpet Cleaner
  • Chimney Sweep
  • Commercial Cleaner
  • Commercial Housekeeper
  • Domestic Cleaner
  • Domestic Housekeeper
  • Drycleaner
  • Folding Machine Operator
  • Graffiti Cleaner
  • High Pressure Cleaner
  • Ironer or Presser
  • Laundry Worker (General)
  • Linen Sorter
  • School Cleaner
  • Swimming Pool Cleaner
  • Upholstery Cleaner
  • Vehicle Detailer
  • Window Cleaner

Job: Security officers and guards

Type of work

Providing security and investigative services to organisations and individuals, excluding armoured car escorts and private investigators.

  • Bouncer
  • Crowd Controller
  • Mobile Patrol Officer
  • Retail Loss Prevention Officer
  • Security Guard
  • Security Officer

Job: Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers

Type of work:

Cultivating and harvesting crops, plants and forests, breeding and raising of livestock and aquatic stock, and the management of pests and weeds to support the production of breeding stock, meat, milk, eggs, wool, wood, crops and plants

  • Aquaculture Worker
  • Beef Cattle Farm Worker
  • Broadacre Crop and Livestock Farm Worker
  • Bush Regenerator
  • Cattle and Sheep Farm Worker
  • Cattle Hoof Trimmer
  • Coffee Plantation Worker
  • Cotton Farm Worker
  • Dairy Cattle Farm Worker
  • Deer Farm Worker
  • Emu Farm Worker
  • Flower Buncher or Picker
  • Forestry Worker
  • Fruit Farm Worker
  • Fruit Picker
  • Garden Labourer
  • Goat Herder
  • Grain, Oilseed, Pulse and Pasture Farm Worker
  • Hop Farm Worker
  • Horse and Stud Worker
  • Horse Hoof Carer
  • Horticultural Nursery Assistant
  • Hunter
  • Hunter-Trapper
  • Indoor Plant Technician
  • Irrigation Assistant
  • Irrigation Orchard Hand
  • Irrigation Worker
  • Kelp Harvester
  • Lamb Marker
  • Lavender Farm Worker
  • Lawn Mower
  • Livestock Contractor
  • Livestock Husbandry Worker
  • Logger
  • Logging Assistant
  • Muleser
  • Mushroom Picker
  • Nursery Worker (Horticulture)
  • Nut Farm Worker
  • Orchard Worker (Fruit)
  • Ostrich Farm Worker
  • Pest Control Technician
  • Pest Controller
  • Pest Management Technician
  • Piggery Farm Worker
  • Poultry Farm Worker
  • Seed Collector
  • Shearing Shed Worker
  • Sheep Farm Worker
  • Sheep Foot Parer
  • Shooter
  • Stablehand
  • Station Hand (Beef Cattle)
  • Station Hand (Sheep)
  • Sugar Cane Farm Worker
  • Tea Plantation Worker
  • Tea Tree Farm Worker
  • Tree Faller
  • Tree Feller
  • Tree Planter
  • Turf Farm Worker
  • Vegetable Farm Worker
  • Vegetable Picker
  • Vineyard Worker
  • Weed Controller
  • Wool Handler

Job: Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers

Type of work:

Caring for, grooming, training, and shearing animals, managing and supervising the farming and harvesting of livestock, aquatic stock, crops and forests, establishing and maintaining gardens, parks and surfaces used for sport, and preparing and selling floral arrangements and flowers.

  • Animal Nurse
  • Animal Trainer
  • Animal Welfare Officer
  • Aquarist
  • Arboriculturist
  • Arborist
  • Crutching Contractor
  • Dog Handler or Trainer
  • Exercise Rider
  • Florist
  • Forest Nursery Production Operator
  • Gardener (General)
  • Greenkeeper
  • Grounds Curator
  • Groundsperson (Sportsground)
  • Horse Breaker
  • Horse Trainer
  • Irrigation Technician
  • Kennel Hand
  • Landscape Gardener
  • Muleser
  • Nurseryperson
  • Pet Groomer
  • Plant Propagator
  • Shearer
  • Sports Turf Trades Worker
  • Sportsground Foreperson
  • Track Rider
  • Trackwork Rider
  • Tree Surgeon
  • Tree Worker
  • Turf Tradesperson
  • Urban Forester
  • Utility Tree Worker
  • Veterinary Assistant
  • Veterinary Nurse
  • Wool Classer
  • Zookeeper

Job: Sports and Personal Service Workers

Type of work:

Participating in and instructing people in sports and fitness and providing travel, tourism and other personal services to individuals.

  • Abseiling Instructor
  • Adventure Challenge Instructor
  • Aerobics Instructor
  • Barber
  • Beauty Therapist
  • Bungy Jump Master
  • Bushwalking Guide
  • Business Travel Consultant
  • Caving Guide
  • Climbing Guide
  • Cycle Touring Guide
  • Domestic Travel Consultant
  • Electrologist (Hair remover)
  • Fishing Guide
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Fly Fishing Guide
  • Gallery or Museum Attendant
  • Gallery or Museum Guide
  • Gym Instructor
  • Hair or Beauty Salon Assistant
  • Hairdresser
  • Hang-gliding Instructor
  • Horse Trekking Guide
  • Hunting Guide
  • International Travel Consultant
  • Manicurist
  • Mountain or Glacier Guide
  • Nail Technician
  • Ocean Fishing Guide
  • Outdoor Adventure Instructor
  • Outdoor Adventure Leader
  • Outdoor Education Teacher
  • Outdoor Pursuits Instructor
  • Physical Fitness Trainer
  • Regional Guide
  • Sea Kayaking Guide
  • Ski Guide
  • Tour Escort
  • Tour Guide
  • Tour Leader
  • Tourist Adviser
  • Tourist Information Officer
  • Travel Agent
  • Travel Consultant
  • Trekking Guide
  • Whitewater Rafting Guide

Job: Call Centre Workers and Receptionists

Type of work:

Responding to requests for information and receiving and greeting people.

  • Admissions Clerk
  • Call or Contact Centre Operator
  • Hospital Ward Clerk
  • Hotel or Motel Receptionist
  • Information Officer
  • Medical Receptionist
  • Receptionist (General)

Job: General Clerical Workers

Type of work:

Performing general administrative, data entry and word processing tasks.

  • Braille Transcriber
  • Data Entry Operator
  • Data Processing Operator
  • General Clerk
  • Machine Shorthand Reporter
  • Realtime Reporter
  • Stenocaptioner
  • Typist
  • Word Processing Operator

Job: Factory Process Workers

Type of work:

Performing routine tasks in processing, manufacturing and packaging food, beverages and other products.

  • Abalone Sheller
  • Baking Factory Worker
  • Biscuit Factory Worker
  • Biscuit Packer
  • Boilermaker's Assistant
  • Bottling Attendant
  • Bread Packer
  • Bread Room Hand
  • Brewery Worker
  • Brick Handler
  • Butter Maker
  • Cannery Worker
  • Cellular Plastics Cutter
  • Cement and Concrete Plant Worker
  • Cheese Factory Worker
  • Cheese Maker
  • Cheese Packer
  • Chemical Plant Worker
  • Chocolate Maker
  • Chocolate Packer
  • Clay Processing Factory Worker
  • Clay Processing Labourer
  • Coal Sample Tester
  • Coffee Roaster
  • Confectionery Maker
  • Container Filler
  • Dairy Products Maker
  • Egg Factory Worker
  • Egg Packer
  • Electrical and Electronic Assembler
  • Fabric and Textile Factory Worker
  • Fellmongery Worker
  • Fibreglass Lay Up Worker
  • Film Examiner
  • Fitter's Assistant
  • Footwear Factory Worker
  • Fruit and Vegetable Classer
  • Fruit and Vegetable Factory Worker
  • Fruit and Vegetable Packer
  • Gas Plant Worker
  • Glass Mould Cleaner
  • Glass Processing Worker
  • Glassware Verifier
  • Grain Mill Worker
  • Grain Quality Technician
  • Hand Flesher
  • Hardboard Factory Worker
  • Hide and Skin Processing Worker
  • Ice-cream Maker
  • Iron Pellet Tester
  • Joinery Factory Worker
  • Kiln Labourer
  • Labelling Machine Operator
  • Latex Foam Worker
  • Light Coil Winder
  • Margarine Maker
  • Meat Boner and Slicer
  • Meat Grader
  • Meat Packer
  • Meat Process Worker
  • Meat Trimmer
  • Metal Engineering Process Worker
  • Metal Forger's Assistant
  • Metal Moulder's Assistant
  • Metal Products Viewer
  • Milk and Cream Grader
  • Milk Processing Worker
  • Milk Treater
  • Munitions Factory Worker
  • Offal Separator
  • Oyster Opener
  • Paint Factory Worker
  • Paper and Pulp Mill Worker
  • Particleboard Factory Worker
  • Pasta Maker
  • Pasteuriser Operator
  • Plastics Factory Worker
  • Plastics Process Hand
  • Plywood Factory Worker
  • Poultry Boner
  • Poultry Process Worker
  • Poultry Slaughterer
  • Product Assembler
  • Product Examiner
  • Product Grader
  • Product Tester
  • Pulp, Paper Making and Paper Products Labourer
  • Quality Assurance Assessor
  • Quality Control Assessor
  • Recycling Sorter
  • Recycling Worker
  • Rubber Factory Worker
  • Rubber Process Hand
  • Sawmill or Timber Yard Worker
  • Seafood Packer
  • Seafood Process Worker
  • Sheltered Workshop Worker
  • Slaughterer
  • Stockfeed Miller
  • Stunner and Shackler (Abattoir)
  • Sugar Mill Worker
  • Tailer-out
  • Tannery Worker
  • Textile Examiner
  • Timber Grader
  • Timber Mill Worker
  • Tyre Finisher and Examiner
  • Vehicle Assembler
  • Vehicle Assembly Inspector
  • Winery Cellar Hand
  • Wood and Wood Products Factory Worker
  • Wood and Wood Products Labourer
  • Wood Processing Worker
  • Yoghurt Maker

Job: Road Drivers

Type of work:

Driving cars, vans and trucks to transport passengers and freight.

  • Chauffeur
  • Delivery Driver
  • Fast Food Delivery Driver
  • Grocery Deliverer
  • Hire Car Driver
  • Limousine Driver
  • Meals on Wheels Driver
  • Taxi Driver
  • Taxi Truck Driver
  • Van Driver

Job: Arts Workers

Type of work:

Communicating ideas, impressions and facts in a range of media to achieve particular effects and interpreting compositions such as musical scores and scripts for performance.

  • Actor
  • Audio Operator
  • Author
  • Ballet Dancer
  • Band Leader
  • Band Singer
  • Book or Script Editor
  • Broadcast Transmitter Operator
  • Busker
  • Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video)
  • Choral Director
  • Chorister
  • Circus Artist
  • Circus Trainer
  • Clown
  • Comedian
  • Commercial Singer (Advertising)
  • Composer
  • Contemporary or Modern Dancer
  • Continuity Person
  • Dancer or Choreographer
  • Disc Jockey (Nightclub)
  • Drummer
  • Dubbing Machine Operator
  • Entertainer or Variety Artist
  • Exotic Dancer
  • Extra (Film or Television)
  • Fashion Photographer
  • Focus Puller (Film)
  • Foley Artist
  • Guitarist
  • Instrumentalist
  • Jazz Singer
  • Landscape Photographer
  • Leadlighter
  • Light Technician
  • Magician/Illusionist
  • Make Up Artist
  • Microphone Boom Operator
  • Mime Artist
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Multimedia Artist
  • Music Arranger
  • Music Copyist
  • Music Director
  • Music Researcher
  • Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer
  • Musician (Instrumental)
  • Musicologist
  • News Photographer
  • Novelist
  • Opera Singer
  • Orchestra Conductor
  • Painter (Artistic)
  • Painter (Visual Arts)
  • Photographer
  • Photographer's Assistant
  • Photographic Artist
  • Pianist
  • Piano Tuner
  • Playwright
  • Poet
  • Pop Singer
  • Portrait Photographer
  • Potter or Ceramic Artist
  • Public Speaker
  • Puppeteer
  • Quilter
  • Re-recording Mixer
  • Rock Singer
  • Screenwriter
  • Script Coordinator
  • Script Writer
  • Sculptor
  • Singer
  • Songwriter
  • Sound Editor
  • Sound Effects Person
  • Sound Mixer
  • Sound Recordist
  • Sound Technician
  • Special Effects Person
  • Sports Photographer
  • Stagehand
  • Stunt Performer
  • Technical Photographer
  • Television Equipment Operator
  • Textile Artist
  • Theatrical Dresser
  • Ventriloquist
  • Video and Sound Recorder
  • Violinist
  • Vision Mixer
  • Vocalist
  • Voice-over Artist

More occupations may be added to this list at a later date.
