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Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee Privacy Collection Notice

Understand what happens to your information that you submit with forms.

Privacy Collection Notice

Service Victoria collects the information that you provide with this form on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) Sick Pay Guarantee program.

Service Victoria shares your personal information with DJSIR, in order for DJSIR to administer, monitor and to provide reports on this program.

All personal Information will be collected, held, used, managed, shared, disclosed, transferred and stored in accordance with the principles of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Health Records Act 2001 and any other applicable laws.

DJSIR as the program administrators, will need to disclose your personal or health information for the purpose of assessing your application, and to confirm your supplied evidence information. This includes disclosure to other DJSIR departmental staff, other relevant COVID 19 Programs and their administration staff, and to other Government departments or agencies both Commonwealth (such as the ATO for ABN Holders to generate Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) statement) and State (such as VicRoads). If requested DJSIR may disclose to Members of Parliament and their staff as part of the program evaluation activities. DJSIR may also contact your employer to verify supplied evidence information.

If you include or intend to include personal information about third parties in your application, please ensure that they are aware of this privacy statement and have consented to supplying their information in your application and the supporting evidence. Noting any personal information about you, the applicant, a third party that you as an applicant may care for or about a third party in your application is collected, held, managed, used, disclosure or shared in accordance with the provision of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and other applicable laws.

You can request access to, and the corrections of, any personal information provided in this form. Requests for access, or correction should be sent to

For other concerns regarding the privacy of your personal information you can email DJSIR Privacy Unit at A copy of our privacy statement is located at
