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Personal services

Personal services is a diverse, accessible industry. It is part of the other services industry, which is forecast to need 6,457 new workers in Victoria by 2026.*

Personal services includes a range of roles. You could be a beautician, hairdresser, or stylist. You could be a personal trainer or massage therapist. These diverse roles are all in demand.

The industry is changing. Victorians are becoming more health conscious, so personal and sport trainers are in demand.

The demand for beauty and hair removal services is steadily going up. Barber salons are becoming more popular, which is opening a whole new market.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) can open doors to a variety of roles in this industry. Most jobs need apprenticeships or traineeships, so you can earn an income while you learn.

Explore the information below to learn more about working in the personal services industry.

Training and careers in personal services

Personal services career story

Explore growing industries in your region

*Note personal services is part of the other services industry.

Statistics source: Victorian Skills Authority Employment Forecast Dashboard.
