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Focus area 7: Working in a connected and cohesive system

Building from Strength’s broad scope across all workforces that intersect with family violence supports system connectedness. Victoria needs a system where specialist sectors work together with the community services, health, justice, human services and education and training sectors, to respond to the complexity and harms of family violence and prevent it from occurring in the first place.

This focus area prioritises initiatives that support increased partnerships, connection and collaboration across the sectors and a consistent approach to risk assessment and risk management across all parts of the system.

Why it’s important

To build a connected system, specialist workforces must be supported by organisations and sectors that understand the importance of working in a connected and collaborative way.

This will encourage a cultural shift and greater understanding between the specialist and non-specialist sectors.

Workers in non-specialist sectors must understand their role and how it contributes to a collective effort, including in contributing to risk assessment, risk management and information sharing. They must be supported to build and maintain the skills and knowledge they need, consistent with their role.

Successful primary prevention requires coordinated, mutually reinforcing action across multiple settings, engaging sectors, institutions, organisations, communities and individuals.

Strengthening the Foundations outcomes

  1. The roles and responsibilities of the specialist family violence and primary prevention sectors in the reformed family violence system are clearly articulated and understood.
  2. Prescribed workforces have a greater understanding of family violence, MARAM and the importance of information sharing to support risk assessment and management, and to keep perpetrators in view and hold them accountable.
  3. Clear, formal connections and partnerships at the local level support service connection and cohesion, so that service users don’t fall through the cracks.
  4. Workers in non-specialist sector understand their role in contributing to the prevention of family violence in the community in collaboration with prevention specialists, ensuring that prevention activity is mutually reinforcing across settings in line with best practice.

Key foundational priority to support this focus area

The following initiatives aim to support the development and formalisation of partnerships across sectors, to build consistency in cross-sectoral approaches. This Plan aims to build on good local practice and learnings from existing partnerships and collaborations.


7.1 Respond to the Family Violence Regional Integration Project: Strengthening the case for the future of regional integration that analyses the future role of Family Violence Regional Integration Committees, their Principal Strategic Advisors and the work of regional integration.

7.2 Develop and deliver professional development to build capability in cross-sectoral practice, building partnerships and understanding of intersecting service systems.

7.3 Review workforce-related impacts, opportunities and risks associated with the potential integration of family violence and sexual assault services (recommendation 32 of the Royal Commission).

7.4 Continue to advance and invest in specialist family violence response for victim survivors and perpetrators.
