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Implementing Building from Strength

Building from Strength has a broad scope to build family violence response and prevention capability over 10 years across a range of workforces that intersect with family violence. It will sustainably shift how we respond to and prevent family violence and violence against women.

Building from Strength identified four priority actions, as seen in Figure 3. As the first Rolling Action Plan, Strengthening the Foundations will focus on the foundation required for long-term prevention and response capability and capacity across a strong and connected system. Seven key focus areas, as seen in Figure 3, have been developed to steer our efforts and guide our first steps in achieving the long-term vision of Building from Strength.

The actions in this plan are grouped under the seven key focus areas, but many of them support more than one. In this way, the key focus areas are mutually-reinforcing, and together support systemic workforce and sector development.

A commitment to Aboriginal self-determination and intersectionality is embedded in all of the key focus areas. This plan sits alongside Dhelk Dja and Everybody Matters which provide roadmaps for this critical work. In particular, this plan is a companion piece to the forthcoming Aboriginal Family Violence Industry Strategy, to be developed by the Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum.

The key focus areas are underpinned by an evidence base from Building from Strength, the 2017 Census and the practice wisdom and experience of sector partners. Strengthening the Foundations has been developed using a gendered and intersectional lens. The Rolling Action Plans that succeed Strengthening the Foundations will incorporate emerging evidence, build on what works and map out the next steps to respond to the changing specialist family violence response and prevention systems.

The seven focus areas align with the Family Violence Outcomes Framework (FVOF) as introduced in Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change. In particular, they contribute to the systems domain outcomes: a system which is united and integrated; and a workforce which is properly recognised, understands risk and need, and is skilled to prevent family violence.

As Building from Strength is a 10-year industry plan, achieving its vision will require carefully prioritised, sequenced and sustained work. It is therefore important that this first Rolling Action plan focuses on putting the foundations in place and addressing evidence gaps to inform the next steps to be taken in future Rolling Action plans.

Building from Strength: Rolling Action Plan Framework

Building from Strength priorities- Building prevention & response capability across the system; Strengthening specialist workforces; Workforce health & wellbeing; Building a system that works together. RAP focus areas- 1 Building workforce capability 2 Enhancing training architecture 3 Recruiting & retaining specialist workforces 4 Strengthening leadership in specialist sectors 5 Prioritising health, safety & wellbeing 6 Building sector & organisational capability 7 Working in a connected & cohesive system

Building from Strength priority: Building prevention and response capability across the system

Building from Strength priority: Strengthening the specialist workforces

Building from Strength priority: Workforce health, safety and wellbeing

Building from Strength priority: Building a system that works together
