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Victorian Government campaign advertising by communication priority areas 2018-19

Where government campaign expenditure is focused in terms of government priorities

All campaign advertising undertaken by the Victorian Government during 2018–19 fulfilled one of five ‘priority areas’ for government communication. These priority areas are outlined in the Victorian Government Advertising Plan 2018–19:

  • Public safety and behaviour change
  • Building social cohesion and community spirit
  • Supporting commercial and economic investment in Victoria
  • Generation of revenue to support Victorian institutions and events
  • Ensuring compliance with legislation.

The chart below shows 2018–19 expenditure for each communication priority area as a proportion of the government’s total expenditure on campaign advertising.

Pie chart showing Victorian Government campaign advertising by communication priority areas 2018-19

Public safety and behaviour change 56.4 per cent, economic development and investment 20.6 per cent, generation of revenue for institutions and events 14.5 per cent, compliance with legislation 5.6 per cent and social cohesion and community spirit 2.8 per cent.
