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Victorian Government campaign and non-campaign advertising expenditure by departments and agencies 2018-19

A picture of the what departments and agencies are spending on campaigns versus functional and recruitment advertising combined

The chart below shows Victorian Government expenditure by government departments and government agencies, for campaign and non-campaign advertising, as a percentage of total advertising expenditure for 2018–19.

In 2018–19, government agencies (such as WorkSafe Victoria and the Transport Accident Commission) accounted for 68 per cent of total government advertising expenditure, while government departments (such as the Department of Justice and Community Safety) accounted for the remaining 32 per cent of expenditure.

The Victorian Government Advertising Campaign Activity Summary 2018–19 provides a summary of major government campaigns undertaken in 2018–19.

Pie Chart showing Victorian Government campaign and non-campaign advertising expenditure by departments and agencies 2018-19

2018-19 Agencies campaign advertising $58.6 million (57%); Agencies non-campaign advertising $11.5 million (11%); Departments campaign advertising $29.9 million (29%); and Departments non-campaign advertising $2.9 million (3%)

Note: Non-campaign advertising comprises both functional and recruitment advertising.
