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Appendix 2: indicators

Frequently used abbreviations in this section

  • CLS: community language schools
  • ESB: English-speaking background
  • LBOTE: language background other than English
  • MESC: main English-speaking country
  • NESB: non–English speaking background
  • NMESC: non-main English-speaking country.

Note: The Australian Bureau of Statistics uses the term NMESC to represent non-main English-speaking countries, while MESC represents main English-speaking countries. MESC are the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada, the United States and South Africa. NMESC covers all other countries of birth. Where appropriate and specifically relevant, some departments and agencies use the term NESB to stand for non–English speaking background and ESB to stand for English-speaking background. LBOTE stands for language background other than English, while LOTE is for language other than English.

