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Progress on departmental cultural diversity plans

Cultural diversity plans help Victorian government departments provide more inclusive, accessible, and responsive services to multicultural and multifaith communities.

Cultural diversity plans help Victorian government departments provide more inclusive, accessible, and responsive services to multicultural and multifaith communities.

DepartmentCultural diversity plan status
Department of EducationDE has launched its 2023–2027 CDP with revised objectives and actions to meet the emerging needs of multicultural communities and reflect the evolution of the department’s operating context
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2022

Plans to update this strategy are underway

Department of Families, Fairness and HousingDiversity and Inclusion Framework 2022–2027
Department of HealthDepartment of Health Multicultural Health Action Plan 2023–27
Department of Government ServicesDGS is in the process of developing a Diversity Equity and Inclusion Roadmap
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and RegionsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions Cultural Diversity Plan 2018–2024
Department of Justice and Community SafetyMulticultural and Multifaith Action Plan 2023–2027
Department of Premier and Cabinet

Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019–2021

Plans to update this strategy are underway

Department of Transport and PlanningBuilding and Delivering an Intercultural Department of Transport and Planning: Intercultural Action Plan 2023–2028
Department of Treasury and FinanceDiversity and Inclusion Framework 2021–2025

Note: The Department of Government Services was established on 1 January 2023 following machinery of government changes that brought together employees from four different departments: DJSIR, DJCS, DPC and DTF. For the 2022–23 reporting period a memorandum of understanding was signed and DGS staff were covered by their originating department’s CDPs.
