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Appendix A

The table below summarises the progress made against commitments for which the Conservation Regulator is responsible for delivering in the DELWP Response to the Independent Review into Timber Harvesting Regulation. This does not include commitments and/or recommendations which are the responsibility of other parts of DELWP.

Action Status

Office of the Conservation Regulator

Commence establishment of the Office of the Conservation Regulator Complete
Commence recruitment of the Chief Conservation Regulator Complete
Chief Conservation Regulator appointed by 30 May 2019 Complete
Office of the Conservation Regulator formally commences by 30 June 2019 Complete

Regulatory framework, policies and guidelines

Publish Regulatory Framework document Complete
Develop guidance material for Authorised Officers on use and application of available tools across all relevant Acts Ongoing
Publish Compliance and Enforcement Policy Complete
Finalise updated Prosecutions Policy Complete
Publish state and regional Compliance Plans Complete

Statement of Regulatory Intent

Draft Statement of Regulatory Intent for Timber Harvesting for public consultation Complete
Publish final Statement of Regulatory Intent for timber harvesting Complete
Draft Statement of Regulatory Intent for other areas of environmental regulation that DELWP has direct responsibility for Complete
Publish Statement of Regulatory Intent for other areas of regulation In progress
Publicly report on performance against Statements of Intent Complete

Communications and engagement

Publish Communications and Engagement Strategy Complete
Undertake a survey of native timber harvesting stakeholder perceptions and expectations (including run focus groups) In progress

Independent oversight

Establish Regulation Sub-committee of the DELWP Senior Executive Team Complete
Establish an Independent Regulatory Assurance Panel Complete
Establish a Stakeholder Reference Group Complete

Capability development

Complete Regulatory Capability Assessment Complete
Finalise Capability Development Plan Complete
Community of Regulatory Practice established Complete

Shared data system

System of shared data system for Victorian Government agencies, environmental non-government organisations and VicForests created Complete
