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Image of wildlife officer standing in front of park

Budget and reporting

The Conservation Regulator’s budget covers its operational and strategic activities. We also report against key performance indicators which relate to our core regulatory accountabilities.

Budget details

Detailed financial reporting is included in the DELWP Annual Report 2020–21.

In summary, the Conservation Regulator had an annual budget of $22.3m for 2020–21 of which:

  • $8.6m in operational expenses
  • $13.7m in staffing costs.

There was no money expended on capital expenses given we utilise shared facilities as part of DELWP.

The Conservation Regulator High Risk Industries received a milestone one off payment of $4.1m in 2020–21 of which:

  • $1.2m was for staffing and training
  • $0.65m was for operational expenses.

The remainder of the High Risk Industries funding will be utilised for the 2021–22 financial year.

Performance reporting

The Conservation Regulator reports against three mandatory performance measures from Budget Paper 3. The outcomes of each are summarised in Table 3.

Table 3: Budget Paper 3 measures
Budget Paper 3 measure Target Actual Comment

Investigations of alleged non-compliance with the Code of Practice for Timber Production, undertaken in accordance with the Environment Compliance Policy and associated procedure



Target met

Wildlife Licence renewals processed by target dates



Target met

Preharvest surveys of areas planned for timber harvesting completed



Surveys must be conducted in advance of the coupe planning cycle to ensure results are able to be used in coupe planning. $1 million was brought forward from the 2021–22 budget to 2020–21 to ensure surveys were conducted within timeframes. As a result, more coupes have been surveyed as a proportion of all coupes planned for harvest.
