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2020-21 Quarter 4 Fire Services Outcome Framework Progress Report

16 Sept 2021

CFA and FRV provided their fourth quarterly updates for the period of April-June 2021.

The Monitor’s fourth quarterly report (2020-21) includes observations on:

  • opportunities for agencies to use insights obtained from data to inform the development of future reform plans and performance measures
  • the need to mature the outcomes approach to articulate the link between inputs to outcomes and how fire agencies’ actions directly impact outcome results
  • operational performance against the identified performance indicators
  • progress to increase the diversity of the fire services, including how leadership is defined and recruitment strategies

The report also provides a summary of the agencies’ fire service performance data for quarter 4 (2020-21).

As this is the final report for the 2020-21 year and agencies are updating and refining their Outcomes Frameworks for Year Two, the Monitor has also noted that where particular outcomes or trends from the Year One frameworks have raised concerns and are not included in the Year Two frameworks, the Monitor may request agencies to provide additional information or data from the Year One framework.