Being safe can mean many different things. You should feel safe during an emergency. You should feel safe at home and in your community. If you are having a hard time, you should be able access the support you need.
Victorian Government services help keep Victorians safe and provide information, advice and support.
Safer communities
Victoria Police
Always dial Triple Zero (000) in an emergency. Report non-urgent crimes or find your local police station online.
Water safety
Play it safe at the beach, at the river, by the pool and while boating and fishing.
Community Safety Building Authority
The Community Safety Building Authority (CSBA) delivers buildings and facilities needed to keep communities safe.
Emergencies and emergency management
Emergency Management Victoria
Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) leads emergency management in Victoria by maximising the ability of the emergency management sector to work together and to strengthen the capacity of communities to plan for, withstand, respond to and recover from emergencies.
Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES)
VICSES is the control agency for flood, storm, tsunami earthquake and landslide in Victoria.
Emergency Recovery Victoria
Connecting individuals, families, communities, businesses and regions to rebuild and recover after a disaster.
Marine Search and Rescue
Marine Search and Rescue (MSAR) units across the state play an extremely important role in the safety of boaters around Victoria's coastline, out at sea and in many of our inland waterways.
Fire Services Reform
Victoria’s fire services are being reformed so that they can meet the needs of our rapidly changing state – now and into the future.
Emergency Services Infrastructure Authority
Delivering buildings and facilities for Victoria State Emergency Service and Life Saving Victoria and Marine Search and Rescue sector vessels.
Emergency Recovery Resource Portal
A place for people engaged in recovery to access recovery related resources and guidance.
Cyber security
Stay safe online
Protect yourself online with practical tips and advice.