Pay your fine
You can also pay your fine:
- by phone on 1300 303 505
- by mail: Include payment slip with a non-negotiable cheque or money order (do not send cash) made payable to:
Transport Regulatory Operations
GPO box 2392
Melbourne Vic 3001
If you need a new payment slip, contact us.
Public transport fines
Information to help people who have received a fine on Melbourne's public transport system and in railway station car parks.
Clearway fines
We’re introducing changes to clearways to help traffic flow smoothly on Melbourne’s busy roads.
Seeking a review of your transport and road fines
This page provides information for review of public transport fines, how to apply for an internal review, the review process, grounds for review and contact details.
Legal assistance
You can get legal advice from:
- a lawyer
- Victoria Legal Aid(opens in a new window)
- the Registrar of the Court(opens in a new window)
- the Children's Court(opens in a new window) if you are under 18.
Interpreting service
If you need an interpreting service, call 13 14 50 or visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website(opens in a new window).