We want to create places where people have vibrant, liveable and sustainable communities, affordable housing and quality jobs which help to grow Victoria’s economy.
We want people to be able to get to and move through these places easily, prioritising active and public transport.
Our focus is on these Priority Precincts and NEICs:
- Arden
- Docklands
- Central Geelong
- Fishermans Bend
- East Werribee
- Footscray
- La Trobe
- Parkville
- Sunshine
- Richmond to Flinders Street corridor
These precincts will capitalise on the benefits of major infrastructure investments to support thriving communities and encourage further investment.
For a list of Acts including the Development Victoria Act 2003, the Victorian Planning Authority Act 2017 and the Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 visit the Department of Transport and Planning - Legislation page.