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2.3 Significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative)

2.3.1 CFA: Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers)

CFA reported 91 workplace injuries this quarter. This represents a 16.7 per cent increase on the quarterly baseline of 78 and a significant change from the previous quarter’s result (Figure 6).

CFA advised that there were no significant trends or patterns observed in the injuries reported this quarter and that last quarter’s result was uncharacteristically low given the longer-term trend. For example, CFA’s results have been below the baseline since Q2 2022-23 (with the exception of this quarter). CFA also advised that this measure is linked to the amount of operational activity in a given quarter.

CFA report they continue to roll out targeted and general communications across the organisation to promote health and safety.

Figure 6: 3.1.2 Decrease in workplace injuries (staff and volunteers)

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