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2.4 Varies more than 5 per cent from the agency’s baseline or average over time

2.4.1 CFA: Decrease in the number of house fires

CFA reported a total of 166 house fires in Q2. This figure marks a reduction of 41 house fires compared to the previous quarter (19.8 per cent decrease) and is 22 house fires below the quarterly baseline (Figure 7), which is a good outcome for the community.

CFA has prevention programs and produces communications to influence community behaviour aimed to mitigate fire risk such as working to increase the use of operational smoke alarms in homes. CFA notes that house fires can be affected by a broad range of factors and CFA cannot make a direct correlation between specific CFA activities and the Q2 result. CFA also notes that there are potential lags between CFA prevention activities and outcomes for the community.

Figure 7: 2.1.1 Decrease in the number of house fires

  • Download 'Figure 7: 2.1.1 Decrease in the number of house fires '

FSIM notes that CFA has also recorded a positive result for 'Increase in percentage of structure fires contained to room of origin’ with a result of 58 per cent (Figure 8). This is a 53.6 per cent increase from the quarterly baseline, demonstrating an improvement on the average Q2 year-on-year result. This is also the fifth consecutive quarter since Q2 2022-23 that CFA have met the baseline for this indicator.

Figure 8: 2.2.3 Increase in percentage of structure fires contained to room of origin

  • Download 'Figure 8: 2.2.3 Increase in percentage of structure fires contained to room of origin'
