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While recognising the implementation of CISS in line with its intended design, this Review has identified several successes and challenges in CISS’ implementation, effectiveness, and legislative framework since its commencement in 2018. Looking forward, this Review makes the following recommendations to further strengthen the operation of CISS in alignment with its intended long-term outcomes.

This Review makes the following recommendations grouped into three categories: CISS oversight, community empowerment, and growth opportunities. It should be noted that the recommendations would require resourcing during the implementation phase and some may impose an ongoing regulatory burden or cost on some stakeholders relative to the current arrangements. However, where this is the case, it is because the review has formed a view regarding the adequacy of certain aspects of CISS’ design and operation. It would consequently be advisable for the anticipated benefits and costs of the recommendations to be assessed prior to their implementation, particularly where the change suggested is relatively significant. Equally the inherent difficulty in foreseeing and measuring all costs and benefits relating to information sharing is acknowledged. This uncertainty should not be cited as a barrier to reasonable and proportionate strengthening of CISS, which is the overall intent of these recommendations.

5.1 CISS oversight

Recommendations regarding CISS oversight are built around the identified need to create greater understanding and visibility of CISS’ usage at a Departmental level and embed greater accountability and awareness of obligations at the ISE level. These recommendations taken together seek to strengthen the degree to which CISS is able to deliver on its intent and minimise the risks of misuse.

5.2 Community empowerment

Recommendations regarding community empowerment are built around the identified need to embed CISS practices more deeply across all sectors, workforces and communities prescribed under CISS. These recommendations are designed to support a greater understanding at the Departmental level of the diverse ecosystems within which decisions around CISS must be made by ISEs, and to provide pathways for the co-creation of targeted programs of work and materials that will instil confidence and agency across communities in their use of CISS.

5.3 Growth opportunities

Recommendations regarding growth opportunities are built around the identified need to facilitate the sharing of information between professionals to promote child wellbeing and safety wherever and with whomever that information is held, beyond the current scope of prescribed ISEs. These recommendations respond to gaps in the current regulations as they relate to the exclusion of workforces and organisations, as well as jurisdictional challenges that will require collaboration with governments outside of the state of Victoria. While expansion of CISS may be appropriate, the precise scope of any proposed expansion needs to be determined and expansion should only proceed with agreement of the CISS partner agencies.
