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Community language schools

Community language schools provide language programs to school-aged and preschool-aged children, after school or on weekends.

Community language schools provide language programs to school-aged children (foundation to Year 12) and preschool-aged children (where approved), after school or on weekends.

These community-based, not-for-profit organisations offer programs in over 50 languages which allow children to learn or maintain their mother tongue or heritage language.

There are 182 currently funded accredited community language schools.

Find an accredited community language school

For a list of currently funded accredited community language schools, see below.

Accredited Community Language Schools 2024:

Funding available for community language schools

Community language schools funding program

Annual funding is available through the department's community language school funding program. The funding is designed to support the delivery of school-aged and preschool language programs (where approved) and can cover costs such as:

  • teacher salaries
  • curriculum resources
  • rent and other costs

Accreditation and funding

To apply for funding under this program, community language schools must apply for accreditation.

Accreditation is usually granted for up to three years, after which time schools must apply to be reaccredited.

Per capita funding is only provided on behalf of eligible school-aged students and preschool-aged children (who will turn four years of age by 30 April of the year they are enrolled).

For more information regarding accreditation and funding of community language schools, contact

Use of government school premises

Government schools are encouraged to make their premises and facilities available to community language schools at fair and reasonable cost.

Community language schools should use the following School Council licence agreement when entering into rental agreements with government schools.

School council licence:

Training for community language school teachers

Community Languages Victoria (CLV) is the peak body which represents community language schools in Victoria. CLV provides advice and professional learning programs, including the following credit-bearing teacher training courses for community language school teachers and administrators.

Language teaching methodology

Community language school teachers who do not have language teaching qualifications recognised in Victoria may apply for 30-hour credit-bearing tertiary courses in language teaching methodology conducted by a range of Victorian universities.

Certificate IV in Community Languages Teaching

This course provides a recognised vocational education qualification, further job and/or educational pathways and an opportunity to network with other teachers working in the sector.

Resources for community language schools

The Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre

This specialist library and support centre provides resources and advice for teachers in the areas of languages, EAL, human rights and multicultural education. Community language school teachers may borrow (at no cost) reference materials and journals, posters, culturally inclusive resources, multimedia resources and materials in over 40 languages. For more information, visit Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC).

Languages Online

The Languages Online website contains interactive tasks and downloadable worksheets for students learning a range of languages.

Raising concerns about community language schools

Parents/carers, staff or students seeking to make a formal complaint about an accredited community language school can access a complaints process via Community Languages Victoria.

Get advice

For advice, email:
