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Student scholarships

The Department of Education manages a range of scholarships on behalf of various trusts.

Applications for a range of scholarships, designed for eligible students from years 4 to 12, open Sunday 1 October 2023. Applications close Wednesday 1 February 2024.


Scholarships support students and families to assist with the cost of education and engagement in further study at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

Scholarships are available for students:

  • studying in Victoria and who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia
  • enrolled in Years 4 to 11
  • enrolled in Year 12 who plan on undertaking tertiary studies.

Scholarships are awarded to students who can demonstrate:


To view scholarships, choose the school level your child completed in 2023:

Marrung education scholarships(opens in a new window) support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to complete years 11 and 12. Marrung scholarships have a different application process.

More information is available at Student Scholarships(opens in a new window).

Before you apply

Before applying you will need:

  • your personal details
  • your child's school results
  • details about your child's school and community activities (if needed for the scholarship). This part of the application should be completed by the student.
  • the name and contact details of your principal
  • a valid Centrelink reference number, or a concession card for yourself or your child, if the scholarship is based on financial need.

How to apply

  1. Read all of the information on this page.
  2. Register an account on the scholarships website(opens in a new window). You will need to re-register each year.
  3. Complete the application form (opens in a new window).
  4. Ask your school principal to verify the application.

We will email you by June to let you know the outcome of the application.

In most cases you may not be able to complete the whole application in one go. The form will let you save your place and return later. You can amend the application at any time before the principal verifies it.

You can apply for more than one scholarship. You can help your child to fill out the application form.

Entering your school results

You must include end of year academic results in the application form. Schools may record results differently, so you may need to convert them.

For years 4 to 10

You'll need to convert the results to the 'student progress in learning' measurement.

If your school reports grades from A to E:

  • A and B converts to 'above expected standard'.
  • C converts to 'expected standard'.
  • D and E converts to 'below expected standard'.

If your school reports grades from 5 to 1:

  • 5 and 4 converts to 'above expected standard'.
  • 3 converts to 'expected standard'.
  • 1 and 2 converts to 'below expected standard'.

For year 11

Enter the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority’s (VCAA) study score for each unit 3 and 4 subject, or record satisfactory or unsatisfactory marks for the VCE Vocational Major subjects. Do not include any unit 1 or 2 subjects.

For year 12

Include either of these scores in the application:

  • VCAA study score for each VCE unit 3 or 4 subject.
  • Satisfactory or unsatisfactory grades for the VCE Vocational Major subjects.

If the subjects on the form are very different from what your child is studying, speak to the principal. You can also send an email to


Some scholarships ask for information about your child's school and community activities. This part of the application is usually completed by your child.

Your child should explain how their school and community activities have influenced them. For example, they may have improved their learning capabilities or developed new ones like leadership. They may have also decided or changed what they want to study or follow as a career.

School activities

School activities can include:

  • being school captain, house captain or on the student council
  • coaching or mentoring other students
  • extracurricular activities like sports, music or drama
  • taking part in fundraising or working bees for the school
  • any awards won
  • any other examples of volunteering or being selected for activities that help the school community.

Sports carnivals or classroom projects are considered part of the regular school curriculum. Students are encouraged to consider including activities outside the regular curriculum.

Community activities

Community activities can include:

  • volunteering (not paid work) to help people or organisations in the wider community
  • volunteering at an aged care facility, sporting club or environment protection projects
  • being involved in scouts or girl guides
  • youth advisory groups or arts spaces
  • fundraising or promoting causes for charity.

Students are asked to nominate an individual or reference who can verify their involvement in community activities. The Student Scholarships Team will seek permission from the student before contacting the referee.

Tips for filling out the application form

  • Don't rush the application.
  • Apply for as many scholarships as your child is eligible for.
  • Let your principal know you're making a scholarship application.
  • Make sure you've completed all questions properly.
  • Check how long each response should be and keep the answers close to that length.
  • Get feedback on the application from friends, family or someone at the school before you submit.
  • Submit before the deadline.
  • If you're unsure about what to include, email

Principal verification

After you submit the application, ask your principal to verify your child's school results. They must do this by 1 March 2024.

Principals may email should they have any questions.

The principal only needs to verify the results once. If they do not agree with the results, we will ask you to correct the application. You will need to get the principal to verify the updated application.

If you haven't received an email to confirm verification by 1 March 2024, speak to your principal as soon as possible.

Once the principal verifies the application, you cannot change any details.

Outcomes and further advice

We will contact you by June to let you know if you've been successful.

For further advice, email
