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Help for children with additional needs at kindergarten

There are two programs your kindergarten can use to give your child additional support. These are the Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) program and the Pre school field officer program.

Kindergarten Inclusion Support (KIS) program

The teacher at the kindergarten will talk to you about your child's needs and create a support group that includes your family.

The support group will develop a plan and decide if the kindergarten needs extra help to teach your child. If they do, they can apply to us (the department) for the extra help.

The program helps kindergartens with things like:

  • special training for kindergarten teachers to work with children with disabilities or complex medical needs
  • creating learning programs that are inclusive
  • working closely with families who need extra support
  • an extra assistant to help with teaching your child.

If the support group decides the kindergarten already has enough resources, they do not need to apply to us.

How to apply

Kindergartens apply for extra help, rather than families. This happens after your child's support plan is created.

Applications are checked for eligibility and usually take four weeks. Your kindergarten will keep you updated.

If you have a concern you should speak to your kindergarten first. If your concern still isn't resolved, you can contact your closest department office.

More information

You can also read the KIS information given to kindergartens, including application forms.

Preschool field officers

All funded kindergarten programs can use preschool field officers. They help kindergarten teachers improve their skills and confidence to meet the needs of children with additional needs.

Preschool field officers are early childhood teachers with experience in delivering high-quality inclusive kindergarten programs.

They work with kindergarten teachers, not one on one with your child. Their role includes:

  • helping the teacher identify your child's learning needs
  • supporting the teacher to provide an inclusive kindergarten program.

More information

For more information about the preschool field officer service speak to your kindergarten teacher.
