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Getting assessed for autism

Information about getting your child assessed for autism.

If you’re concerned about your child’s development, speak to their doctor or maternal and child health nurse. They can refer you to a team of experts who can assess your child for autism.

An assessment can provide recommendations for how your child can be supported.

What happens at an assessment

A team of health professionals will meet with you and your child. This team may include a:

  • paediatrician
  • speech pathologist
  • psychologist
  • psychiatrist.

During an autism assessment, the professionals may consider a range of things about your child. They may:

  • talk to you about your child
  • review your child’s development history
  • watch how your child plays and interacts with others.

The assessment may take place in different places on different days.

Find more information about autism assessments

Find out more about autism assessments from:

  • Amaze – a support organisation for people on the autism spectrum in Victoria
  • Raising Children Network – provides information and advice for parents in Australia.
