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Compliance and enforcement - Portable Long Service Authority

Information about the authority's compliance and enforcement position and how the authority will achieve compliance with the Act.

Under the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme, the Authority has the responsibility to collect money from employers and must act with the highest standards of financial probity. This duty extends to compliance and enforcement activities.

Non-compliance with the Act and Regulations undermines the equitable intent and beneficial effects of the Scheme.

Compliance and enforcement principles

In administering the Scheme, the Authority is guided by the following principles, ensuring high ethical standards of behaviour and decision making, and consistency of outcomes.

FairnessThe Authority will act within the Victorian Model Litigant Guidelines and the legal ethics framework for the conduct of compliance activities, including enforcement using legal action.
TransparencyThe Authority will make its compliance and enforcement positioning clear to the participants in the Scheme. Compliance matters finalised by litigation will be made public as part of being transparent.
AccountabilityDecision making in the area of compliance and enforcement will take place within a framework of rigorous corporate governance and the checks and balances that the Authority is subject to.
ProportionalityThe Authority’s compliance and enforcement responses will be proportional to the conduct creating the non-compliance and the resulting or potential harm caused.
TimelinesThe Authority will conduct compliance activities, including investigations and enforcement as efficiently as possible to avoid undue delay and uncertainty to those affected by the non-compliance, both workers and employers.
ConfidentialityThe Authority will act with confidentiality in matters under investigation and will not make public comment on matters that may or may not be under investigation.

Where a matter is in the public domain and it is in the public interest to make comment, the Registrar may make comment on a matter. No comment will be made on cases that are before the courts.

New regulatory strategy - Compliance and Enforcement

The following information outlines the Authority’s compliance and enforcement plan.

Offences that the Authority can prosecute

Monitoring and investigating compliance

For the Scheme to provide long service benefits in a fair and equitable way it is necessary for the Authority to monitor compliance with the requirements imposed on employers in the covered industries and to respond to instances of where it is alleged that a regulatory offence has been committed.

Non-compliance with the Act will result in the Authority using the appropriate legal enforcement measures to ensure that eligible employers and workers are registered with the Scheme and recover any money that is owed to the Authority and restore the employer to compliance.

The Authority will ensure that:

  • eligible employers are registered and recording service for workers
  • quarterly returns are filed
  • levies are paid to the Authority when invoices are issued
  • the Worker and Employer Registers are up-to-date
  • no adverse action is taken against workers for having or seeking to exercise their entitlements under the Act
  • determinations made by the Authority are complied with
  • notices to produce records and other documents are complied with
  • that false or misleading information is not supplied to the Authority.
