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Reporting JobKeeper payments

If an organisation has received JobKeeper subsidies, they may need to record this in their quarterly return.

A registered employer is required to pay the levy based on the total ordinary pay received by each eligible worker during each quarter.

The instructions explain how JobKeeper payments will impact what is reported in the quarterly return.

For further information contact our Customer Service team by phoning 1800 517 158 or emailing

Workers stood down due to COVID-19

The following information may assist employers in understanding reporting requirements to the Portable Long Service Authority when a worker is stood down during a financial quarter.

Normally, a registered employer is required to pay the levy to the Authority based on the total ordinary pay received by each eligible worker during each quarter.

However, circumstances may change when an employer doesn’t pay a worker while they are stood down because of COVID-19 restrictions.

Stood down for a portion of the quarterly reporting period due to COVID-19

What to report: There is no change to what you have already done in past quarterly returns. For the current quarterly return you must include only the actual hours worked and the total ordinary pay received by the worker. You should record 'Stood down during quarter' in the comment section.

Stood down for the entire quarter during COVID-19

What to report: You must include this worker on the return but report their hours worked and ordinary pay as NIL. You should record 'Stood down’ in the comment section.

Remember: If a worker has been paid leave or for a public holiday during this period the associated hours and pay are reportable.

Workers stood down with JobKeeper

If an organisation has received JobKeeper subsidies, they need to record the details in their quarterly return to the Authority.

The examples below explain how to report stand down requirements and how JobKeeper payments will impact what is reported in the quarterly return.

Stood down for a portion of the quarterly reporting period during COVID-19 and received a JobKeeper payment

What to report: There is no change to what you have already done in past quarterly returns. You must include only the actual hours worked and the total ordinary pay received by the worker. You should record 'JobKeeper payment’ in the comment section.

Stood down for the entire quarter during COVID-19 and received full JobKeeper payment

What to report: You must include this worker on the return but report their hours worked and ordinary pay as NIL. You should record 'JobKeeper payment’ in the comment section.
