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Interstate employers and workers

A guide for interstate employers providing community services, contract cleaning or security work in Victoria.

If you are an interstate employer providing community services, contract cleaning or security work in Victoria, you must register with the Portable Long Service Authority [PLSA]. You must also register any of your workers who are working in Victoria.

Workers living interstate and working from home for a registered Victorian employer may be covered by the Scheme.

If you have covered workers who would usually perform work in Victoria but have arrangements with you to perform their roles remotely outside of Victoria, and their work is directly connected to Victoria, you must register them for the Scheme.

For example, workers providing online counselling to clients living in Victoria must be registered.

Registered workers who move interstate should contact and register with that state or territory’s equivalent scheme. They should also update their details in the PLSA worker portal so they can be contacted.

If you are an employer with workers in Victoria and interstate, you must register and report their work hours in Victoria. When a worker travels interstate or overseas to work, you may provide details of their work outside Victoria in the quarterly returns. However, you are not obligated to do so.

Employers should advise their workers of their approach to providing details of work performed outside Victoria in quarterly returns so they understand the service hours they are accruing. This helps to minimise disputes when workers check their work history in the worker portal.

As an employer, you may have obligations under portable long service schemes operating in other states or territories. You should contact the scheme in that state or territory.

More information

You can contact the Authority for more information. Call 1800 517 158 (opens in a new window)or email in a new window).



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