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Costs of kindergarten

Most kindergarten program fees are partly paid by the Victorian government directly to the kindergarten. This keeps fees low and encourages children to have an enjoyable kinder experience.​

All kindergartens charge fees to help meet the cost of running kindergarten programs. Fees are set by individual kindergartens and depend on things like how many hours your child attends and whether there are extra costs such as excursions.

Contact the kindergarten you are interested in for their schedule of fees. Many kindergartens ask for a small fee to secure a child’s place in the program.

Some kindergartens have programs that are not funded by the department, which sometimes attract fees.

Free and low cost kindergarten

Kindergarten fee subsidy

The kindergarten fee subsidy allows children to access up to 15 hours of funded kindergarten delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher for free or at low cost.

Your child is eligible for the kindergarten fee subsidy:

  • if your child identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • if your child is identified on their birth certificate as being a multiple birth child (triplets or more).

Your child is also eligible if they hold, or have a parent or guardian who holds, one of the following:

  • a Commonwealth Health Care Card
  • a Commonwealth Pensioner Concession Card
  • a Department of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or White Card
  • Refugee or Asylum Seeker visa (200-204, 786 or 866)
  • Bridging visas for any of the above Refugee or Asylum Seeker visas.

If your family or child has a humanitarian or refugee visa listed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection that is not included in the above list, your child may still be eligible for the kindergarten fee subsidy. Please speak to your kindergarten service for more information.

You can talk to the staff at your kindergarten service about your child's eligibility, and show them your concession card, visa, birth certificate or other relevant document.

Your kindergarten service will apply for the kindergarten fee subsidy or extension grant on your behalf. The payment will be made directly to your child's kindergarten and will allow your child to attend up to 15 hours a week for free or at low-cost.

You can apply for the fee subsidy or extension grant at any time during the year, even if your child moves to another kindergarten.

Early start kindergarten

Early Start Kindergarten gives free or low-cost kindergarten for eligible three-year-old children.

Even if funded Three-year-old Kindergarten is rolling out in your area, it is important for all eligible children to be enrolled under the Early Start Kindergarten program. This will mean they will be able to access 15 hours each week throughout the roll-out period.
