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Public entities and special bodies

DPC supports the Premier and our portfolio ministers in their responsibilities for the following public entities and special bodies:

  • Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council
  • Victorian Electoral Commission, including the Electoral Boundaries Commission
  • Victorian Multicultural Commission
  • Victorian Public Sector Commission
  • VITS LanguageLoop.

Key initiatives for the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council and the Victorian Multicultural Commission are included in this plan, and their performance will be consolidated into DPC’s 2024-25 Annual Report.

Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council, established under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, ensures the preservation and protection of Victoria’s rich Aboriginal cultural heritage.

With important decision-making responsibilities, the Council consists of 11 Victorian Traditional Owners appointed by the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples. It recognises Traditional Owners as the primary guardians of their culture and envisages a community that respects Aboriginal cultural heritage and the responsibilities of Traditional Owners.

The Council’s principal functions are to make decisions on Registered Aboriginal Party applications and monitor them; protect Ancestors’ resting places and facilitate their return to Country; manage Secret or Sacred Objects in Victoria; manage the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Fund; and implement measures to promote awareness and understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Victorian Multicultural Commission

The Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC) was established in 1983 as a statutory body legislated under the Multicultural Affairs Act 2011. As the main link between communities and government, the purpose of the VMC is to promote cultural diversity across all areas of society; to advocate on behalf of multicultural communities to all levels of government; and to promote full participation by all Victorians regardless of their cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The VMC engages with multicultural and multifaith groups to identify issues and to recommend solutions to government, policymakers and community organisations to make public services more inclusive and accessible. The VMC is led by commissioners appointed by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs
