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Measuring our success

We aim to achieve the following objectives, monitoring progress towards achieving them through the relevant indicators. DPC identifies strategies to address challenges in service delivery, to minimising the impact on achieving departmental objectives.

Stronger policy outcomes for Victoria

  • Lead whole-of-government economic and social policy delivery and reform.
  • Lead the public sector response to significant state and Commonwealth issues, policy challenges and projects.
  • Deliver policies and programs that promote fairness, inclusion and participation of Victoria’s culturally diverse communities.
  • Advice contributes to the achievement of government policies and priorities relating to economic and social outcomes, intergovernmental relations, and emergency management.
  • Decrease experiences of discrimination.
  • Strengthening inter-agency communication, inter-jurisdictional cooperation and international engagement to deliver outcomes for Victorians.
  • Anticipating and responding to changing environments and scenarios, including emergency events and local impacts of global conflicts, e.g. natural disasters and community tensions arising from the Israel-Gaza conflict.
  • Managing resourcing, including supporting the effective transfer of knowledge and adapting to changing priorities with staffing.

First Peoples in Victoria are strong and self-determining

  • Improve outcomes and services for First Peoples through prioritising actions to enable self-determination, including advancing treaty, protecting and promoting cultural rights, recognising land and native title rights and responding to and engaging with the Yoorrook Justice Commission.
  • Address trauma, support healing and stop systemic injustice.
  • Provide culturally safe systems and services and transfer power and resources to communities.
IndicatorsFirst Peoples in Victoria have increased control over decisions that impact their lives.
  • Implementing nation-leading reform that has little precedent to follow in Australia.
  • Operating in a dynamic and complex environment, including developments at a national level and potential impact on Victoria’s self-determination reform agenda.
  • Higher number of native title claims lodged and more contested hearings has increased the complexity for achieving land-justice objectives.

Improved public administration and support for the Victorian Public Service

  • Foster and promote a high-performing public service.
  • Ensure effective whole-of-government performance and outcomes and support the effective administration of government.
  • Protect and promote the values of good governance, integrity and accountability across the public service to foster and maintain public trust in government.
  • Maintain compliance with government advertising and communication guidelines to support effective financial management, probity and accountability of government advertising.
  • Support for Cabinet, committee members and Executive Council is valued and informs decision making.
  • Agency compliance with government advertising and communications guidelines.
  • Victoria’s electoral system is supported by an accurate and secure electoral roll, electoral services and conduct of fair and impartial elections.
  • Provision of high-quality legislative drafting and publication services.
  • Advice contributes to the achievement of government policies and priorities relating to public sector governance.
  • Adapting systems and business practices to respond to changing demands and expectations regarding government services and citizen engagement in government.
  • Responding to consistent themes relating to governance, accountability and integrity in key integrity agency reports.
  • Dealing effectively with other levels of government.
  • Strengthening the way that the public service facilitates the movement of staff to provide career opportunities and mobility options.
