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Our risk management

DPC will continue to prioritise the protection and advancement of Victoria’s interests and recognise that strong risk management supports the department to deliver important social and economic reforms and pursue policy options that will deliver long-term benefits.

DPC's commitment to risk management means that:

  • risks are regularly identified, assessed and monitored at all levels of DPC
  • risks are considered in policy formulation,business planning and decisionmaking
  • risks are managed by those best placed to manage risks
  • staff are trained to identify and manage risks and take appropriate steps to escalate risks to senior executives where additional mitigation is needed
  • executives are equipped to implement additional mitigations and seek additional advice to prevent risks from eventuating
  • regular communication is provided to executives and key stakeholders regarding

Taking risks to deliver our objectives

In delivering stronger policy outcomes for Victoria, DPC is faced with strategic risks that potentially create a high level of uncertainty. We manage these risks by considering our approach to policy reforms in business planning and by attracting staff with strong capability in policy development.

DPC will not tolerate advice that is not impartial or has been inadequately reviewed or developed and will take steps to identify and challenge advice that is not informed by evidence.

We will accept a moderate level of uncertainty should it impact operational and service delivery, but only where this is necessary to deliver longer-term improvements to performance.

DPC is committed to reforms that will support First Peoples in Victoria to be strong and self-determining. We will advance a treaty with First Peoples as a priority, seeking not to limit or confine the agreement. We will not allow prejudice to prevent us from engaging in an open and genuine manner with First Peoples now and into the future.

In working to strengthen public administration and support for the Victorian Public Service, we prioritise good governance, integrity and accountability and have a very low tolerance for any sustained or material loss of public or government trust. Our people must act with integrity and take action to avoid and act on conflicts of interest.

Building the capabilities of our people and enabling systems will be prioritised to meet changing demands. We will manage financial risks to remain within budgets and staff will undertake training and workplace learning to familiarise themselves with relevant legislation, departmental policies and procedures to comply with legal and statutory obligations.

We are committed to providing the safest possible workplace without risk to physical or psychological health and will not tolerate behaviours that create an unsafe work environment. DPC adopts a zero tolerance for conduct that does not uphold the Victorian Public Sector Employees — Code of Conduct and for misbehaviour and intentional non-compliance.
