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DPC's Cultural Diversity Inclusion Strategy

How Victoria's Department of Premier and Cabinet is building and supporting cultural diversity in our department.

New Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Action Plan

In 2019 DPC is developing a new Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Action Plan.

The plan will aim to:

  • increase our understanding and respect of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities
  • build intercultural competency and awareness
  • increase employment participation and engagement between DPC and CALD communities

DPC's Cultural Diversity Inclusion Strategy 2015–2018


Victoria is a colourful and diverse community, made up from many different cultures from around the world. From the traditional Aboriginal custodians, European settlers and Asian immigrants who came to Victoria in its gold rush days, to the newly arrived Australians from Africa and the Middle East, this diversity provides the Victorian community its vibrancy, rich culture and history.

Through the acceptance of successive waves of migration, Victoria has subsequently been positioned as the most multicultural state in Australia. As time has progressed, new arrivals have changed the makeup of our society, introducing new cultures, languages, religions and faiths.

Our long history of being a welcoming home to new migrants, including many professionals, tradespeople and business migrants has assisted us to develop talent and address skill shortages in many industries and sectors.

This DPC Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2015–2018 builds upon the established foundation of diversity through the Departments Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014 and the Disability Action Plan 2014. This strategy is focused on how we, continue to build our diversity within the department. In doing so, we seek to ensure that we are a department which is representative of the State of Victoria and its rich cultural and diverse history.

Our vision for cultural diversity


To build a culturally diverse and inclusive work environment and ensure our policy advice is inclusive of diverse perspectives to achieve good public policy and service delivery outcomes for Victorians.


To achieve this vision, our goals are:

Goal 1: Increased understanding and respect of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities.

Goal 2: Increased participation and engagement between DPC and CALD communities.

Goal 3: Increased CALD employment and economic participation.

Goal 4: Established frameworks for reporting, accountability and measuring success.

Supporting policy documents

To support us to achieve our vision, DPC will draw upon the following Victorian Government policy documents:

  • The Multicultural Victoria Act 2011 recognises in its preamble that one of the central tenets of multiculturalism is citizenship and that the expression citizenship is not limited to formal Australian citizenship, but refers to the rights and responsibilities of all people in a multicultural society.
  • The Equal Opportunity Act 2010 encourages the identification and elimination of discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation and their causes, and promotes and facilitates the progressive realisation of equality.
  • Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 enshrines civil and political rights, and some cultural rights into Victorian law. Victoria is the first Australian state to enact formal protection of human rights by introducing a Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, with the Charter ensuring human rights are valued and protected within government and the community.
  • Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 provides a community standard about our responsibility towards each other in a multicultural society, seeking to ensure that people are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their particular race or religion.
  • Victoria’s Advantage Unity Diversity Opportunity Policy recognises that each of us plays a part in contributing to and shaping the future of our State, and that by valuing and embracing our diversity, we can continue to realise the benefits of a cohesive and multicultural society.


In achieving the objectives of the Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2015 - 2018, DPC will be guided by the departmental values of:

Leadership – We lead by example. We strive to create positive and productive working relationships. Our leaders will role model behaviours designed to promote the full inclusion of all Victorians within DPC.

Integrity – We work to serve the public good. We uphold the ideals of openness and honesty, and stand by what we believe is right. DPC and its staff are accountable for our actions to ensure the success of this plan.

Collaboration – We are team players. We seek, encourage and value the contribution and skills of the people with whom we work, recognising that we have an important role to play in the inclusion of all Victorians.

Innovation – We value creativity. We are open to new ideas and to different approaches that will achieve the best results.

Monitoring and reporting

To achieve the goals in this plan each departmental group will be required to undertake specific actions and activities, and report on their progress to the DPC Board of Management on an annual basis through the People, Culture and Operations Group.

The People, Culture and Operations Group will have responsibility for reporting DPC organisational progress against this plan for whole-of-government reports and updates. This includes reporting to the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and any evaluation reports that are required.

Our cultural diversity inclusion strategy

DPC values

  • Leadership
  • Integrity
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation
Goals Outcomes
1. Increased understanding and respect of CALD communities.
  • Strengthened leadership for CALD inclusion within DPC.
  • Strengthened staff cultural competence and inclusion.
2. Increased participation and engagement between DPC and CALD communities
  • Engagement between DPC and CALD communities is promoted.
  • Inclusive policy development and project implementation.
  • Support the inclusion of people from CALD communities on DPC boards and committees.
  • Recognition of days which promote multicultural diversity and harmony within the department.
3. Increased CALD employment and economic participation
  • Promotion of employment opportunities to CALD communities and career progression of CALD employees within the department and across the VPS.
  • Supporting the economic development and growth of culturally diverse communities.
4. Established frameworks for reporting, accountability and measuring success
  • Implementation of reporting mechanisms regarding progress on CALD inclusion and participation.
  • All actions will be evaluated and promoted.

Our actions

Goal 1: Increased understanding and respect of CALD communities.

Outcome 1.1 Strengthened leadership for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) inclusion within DPC.

1.1.3 DPC executives shall take a leadership role for specific projects designed to promote the objective of this plan.

Action Lead Time frame
1.1.1 Inclusion will be included in the performance plans of all members of the DPC Board of Management*. DPC Board of Management 2016 Performance Management Plans
1.1.2 Establish CALD executive champions within the department to champion the importance and significance of cultural diversity. DPC Board of Management June 2015
DPC Board of Management Ongoing

Outcome 1.2 Strengthen staff cultural competence and inclusion.

Action Lead Time frame
1.2.1 Delivery of cultural competence training in the DPC learning and development calendar. People and Culture June 2016
1.2.2 Undertake a targeted approach to provide specialist support/advice for staff responding to critical issues within CALD communities. Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Biannually
1.2.3 Staff forums to support the development of initiatives and programs to increase cultural diversity in the workplace. People and Culture/Strategic Communications and Protocol Branch Quarterly
1.2.4 Review e-learning modules to ensure they promote cultural inclusiveness. People and Culture December 2016

*The DPC Board of Management comprises the Departmental Secretary, Deputy Secretaries and the Executive Director People, Culture and Operations and the General Counsel.

Goal 2: Increased participation and engagement between DPC and CALD communities.

Outcome 2.1 Engagement between DPC and CALD communities is promoted.

2.2 Inclusive policy development and project implementation.

Action Lead Time frame
2.1.1 Improve the accessibility of communication materials to CALD communities in line with Victorian Government guidelines and policies. Strategic Communication and Protocol Branch Ongoing
Action Lead Time frame
2.2.1 DPC considers the impact of policy and project development on CALD communities. Branch Directors Ongoing
2.2.2 DPC policy and program development is informed by relevant CALD demographic and service delivery data. Branch Directors Ongoing
2.2.3 DPC policy and project development involves active consultation with CALD communities and promotes positive participation outcomes where possible. Branch Directors Ongoing

Outcome 2.3 Support the inclusion of people from CALD communities on DPC boards and committees.

Action Lead Time frame
2.3.1 Transparent and accessible recruitment processes for all DPC boards and committees are promoted. Governance Branch June 2016
2.3.2 Development of resources to support the increased engagement of CALD communities on DPC boards and committees. Governance Branch December 2016

2.4 Recognition of events which promote multicultural diversity and harmony.

Action Lead Time frame
2.3.1 Inclusion of events which promote multicultural diversity and harmony in DPC’s internal calendar of events. Strategic Communication and Protocol Branch December 2015
2.3.2 Continue to encourage staff participation in Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Day. People and Culture /Strategic Communication and Protocol Branch Annually

Goal 3: Increased CALD employment and economic participation

Outcome 3.1 DPC promotes CALD employment and career progression within the department and across the VPS.

Action Lead Time frame
3.1.1 Encourage applications from CALD communities in the promotion of pathways from education to employment. People and Culture Ongoing
3.1.2 Encourage employees to update their diversity details in the Employee Self Service payroll system to improve the capture of workforce metrics. People and Culture Bi-annually
3.1.3 Investigate access to a prayer room for DPC staff to observe religious practices. Corporate Operations June 2016

Outcome 3.2 DPC supports the economic development and growth of culturally diverse communities.

Action Lead Time frame
3.2.1 Actively promote the procurement of goods and services from culturally diverse social enterprises* or small to medium enterprises (SME's) by DPC to encourage economic development of new and emerging communities. Corporate Operations Ongoing

*Social enterprises are led by an economic, social, cultural, or environmental mission consistent with a public or community benefit including the supporting economic development of new and emerging communities.

Goal 4: Established frameworks for reporting, accountability and measuring success

Outcome 4.1 DPC implements reporting mechanisms regarding progress on CALD inclusion and participation.

Action Lead Time frame
4.1.1 Incorporate cultural diversity and inclusion principles in DPC human resources policies and procedures. People and Culture June 2016
4.1.2 Annual reporting to the Board of Management on cultural diversity and inclusion. People and Culture June, Annually
4.1.3 Provide annual reporting to the Multicultural Leadership and Coordination Group on progress against the DPC Cultural Diversity Plan. People and Culture December, Annually

Outcome 4.2 All actions will be evaluated and promoted.

Action Lead Time frame
4.2.1 Develop case studies to promote successes in government engagement with CALD communities. Office for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Ongoing
4.2.2 Analyse the department’s People Matter Survey data to inform diversity strategies People and Culture September, Biennial
4.2.3 Share information on best practice of diversity inclusion across the department and with key stakeholders. All Ongoing

Further information

Additional information regarding the Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2015 – 2018 is available from the Department of Premier and Cabinet at dp&

For additional information regarding cultural diversity contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship at


The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) in this Cultural Diversity Inclusion Strategy acknowledges all Aboriginal[1] people as Australia’s first peoples. This strategy recognises the continuing spiritual connection of Traditional Owners to the land on which we work and live.

We are proud to recognise that Aboriginal culture is the oldest living culture in the world and has made a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the identity and well-being of Victoria which enriches us all, adding to the multicultural society which we all enjoy.

Secretary’s foreword

I take pleasure in introducing the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2015 - 2018. This strategy builds upon the achievements DPC has made to support cultural diversity with our Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan and Disability Action Plan, reflecting our genuine commitment to increasing our engagement with people from all culturally diverse backgrounds.

This document establishes a foundation upon which DPC will be able to build in increasing cultural diversity in employment, opening up greater opportunities for economic participation to all, and incorporating the many perspectives of the Victorian community into the process of policy development. Its goals and supporting actions will also provide the staff of DPC with the skills and knowledge to effectively engage with members of Victoria’s multicultural community.

DPC has an active role to play in leading cultural diversity and inclusion. With the implementation of this strategy – which seeks to ensure our work practices, policies and activities are inclusive of the perspectives of people from diverse cultural backgrounds – DPC aims to demonstrate leadership across the Victorian Public Service in ensuring we are reflective of the broader Victorian community.

Chris Eccles, Secretary

[1] The term “Aboriginal” is used to refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Use of the terms “Koori”, “Koorie” and “Indigenous” are retained in the names of programs and initiatives, and, unless noted otherwise, are inclusive of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
