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DPC's Aboriginal Employment Action Plan

The Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet's plan for improving access and inclusion for Aboriginal Victorians.

New Aboriginal Employment Action Plan

In 2019 DPC is developing a new Aboriginal Employment Action Plan that will strengthen our commitment to providing a work environment that is welcoming, safe, equitable and inclusive for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander employees and prospective employees.

The Plan will aim to:

  • increase Aboriginal employment and economic participation
  • increase representation in leadership
  • create and implement inclusive employment practices that incorporate Aboriginal perspectives
  • increase our understanding and respect of Aboriginal culture and people

Until the new plan is available, you can review DPC's previous Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan below.

In 2011, the Victorian Government recommitted to Closing the Gap in outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. All Victorian Government departments had to prepare Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plans to improve access to and inclusion of programs and services for Aboriginal Victorians.

Department of Premier and Cabinet Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014

Secretary’s message

I take pleasure in introducing the Department of Premier and Cabinet Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014. This refreshed plan continues to build upon the achievements DPC has made towards Aboriginal inclusion and reflects DPC’s genuine commitment to advancing the lives of Aboriginal Victorians. This document sets out a strategy where DPC will work towards increasing Aboriginal employment and economic participation, creating strong public policy that incorporates Aboriginal perspectives and increasing our understanding and respect of Aboriginal culture and people.

As a central agency, DPC has an active role to play in leading Aboriginal inclusion. This plan incorporates specific goals dedicated to leading the vision articulated in this plan and actions to ensure our work practices, policies and activities are inclusive of Aboriginal people and perspectives.

One of our key actions in this refreshed plan is to increase Aboriginal employment within DPC beyond 1% of the departmental workforce, above and beyond people employed within the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (OAAV).

Achievement of the vision and goals in this plan will require all of our people to be involved in its implementation. I therefore invite you to read this plan and look for ways in which you can contribute to realising our vision. The development of this plan is evidence of the commitment and contribution that many people within DPC have already made towards improving Aboriginal inclusion. I extend my gratitude to the DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan Working Group and to those who worked with this group to develop our plan.

This document is a demonstration of DPC’s commitment to supporting Aboriginal culture to create a better future for all Victorians and I look forward to working together to achieve our vision.

Andrew Tongue, Secretary


Victoria’s Aboriginal community is vibrant, strong and has a rich culture and history. The Victorian Aboriginal community is a relatively young and growing population. This makes it more important to ensure that Aboriginal culture, engagement and opportunity are embedded within our business activities.

On 24 March 2011, the Victorian Government recommitted to Closing the Gap in outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. As part of this, all Victorian Government Departments were required to prepare Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plans to improve access to and inclusion of programs and services for Aboriginal Victorians.

In 2013, the DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2013-2015 was approved as an interim plan. The following are some of the outcomes achieved as a result of the interim plan:

  • development of an Aboriginal Writing Style Guide.
  • acknowledgement of Aboriginal Traditional Owners and Elders at formal meetings and events.
  • participation within the VPS Graduate Recruitment and Development Scheme Aboriginal Pathway Program.
  • participation of Aboriginal students in the DPC Summer Intern Program.
  • increase in employment of Aboriginal people within DPC.

The machinery of government changes, that included the transition of the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (OAAV) from the former Department of Planning and Community Development to DPC on 1 July 2013 provided the opportunity to further develop and refresh the DPC interim plan. This refreshed DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014, further strengthens our approach to achieving Aboriginal inclusion.

The DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014 is focused on how DPC and its staff can continue to build awareness and understanding of, and increase engagement with Aboriginal people to foster cultural change across DPC. In doing so, recognising Aboriginal perspectives will strengthen DPC’s role in supporting the Premier and Government to achieve strong public policy and service delivery outcomes for all Victorians.

Our department

The role of DPC is to lead the Victorian Public Service through advising government on emerging policy issues and reviewing the impact of government decisions. In supporting the Premier and Government, we manage issues that affect the government including:

  • coordinating Victoria's response to major social, economic and environmental challenges.
  • managing state-wide emergencies, including terrorism, fire and flood.
  • ensuring the government's messages are consistent and effective.

DPC also has the following specific responsibilities for supporting Government and service delivery agencies:

Intergovernmental Relations and Citizenship Group

The Intergovernmental Relations and Citizenship Group provide policy advice and support for Victoria's leadership on major intergovernmental issues, including support for the Premier at the Council for the Australian Federation (CAF) and the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

This group also provides policy leadership in relation to Aboriginal affairs through OAAV. OAAV works with Victorian Aboriginal communities and other partners to lead the whole-of-government Aboriginal reform agenda to improve the lives of Aboriginal Victorians. OAAV gives specific focus to Aboriginal policy reform, community strengthening and engagement and cultural heritage management and protection.

Additionally, the group provides leadership in relation to multicultural affairs and citizenship and veterans' affairs, as well as the whole-of-government approach to international engagement and security and emergencies, including counterterrorism.

Governance and Operations Group

The Governance and Operations Group provides high-quality corporate services to the department including human resource activities, events planning and maintaining of corporate resources. The group also provides advice to the Premier in relation to public sector management and governance, industrial relations, communication and legal matters.

Policy and Cabinet Group

The Policy and Cabinet Group (PCG) assists the Premier as head of government and as chair of the main decision-making bodies of government. It leads policy development, particularly in the areas of economic, social, resources and infrastructure policy, contributing to the development and delivery of key policies and projects from a whole-of government perspective. PCG also plays a critical role in the on-going administration of Cabinet records and processes, regional Cabinet visits, the Executive Council and the government's parliamentary business.

Arts Victoria

Arts Victoria is responsible for developing and implementing the Victorian government's arts policy to support Victoria's artists and creative industries by making the arts accessible to all Victorians.

It oversees state-owned cultural agencies — Arts Centre Melbourne, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Geelong Performing Arts Centre, Museum Victoria, National Gallery of Victoria and State Library of Victoria — as well as Melbourne Recital Centre and Public Record Office Victoria.

Our vision for Aboriginal inclusion


“To demonstrate leadership through working collaboratively to build a culturally safe and inclusive work environment and to ensure our policy advice is inclusive of Aboriginal perspectives to achieve strong public policy and service delivery outcomes for all Victorians.”


To achieve this vision, our goals are:

Goal 1: Strengthened leadership for delivery of DPC’s commitment to Aboriginal inclusion.

Goal 2: Increased understanding and respect of Aboriginal culture and people.

Goal 3: Increased participation and engagement between DPC and Aboriginal communities.

Goal 4: Increased Aboriginal employment and economic participation.

Goal 5: Established robust framework for reporting, accountability and measuring success.

Supporting policy documents

To support us to achieve our vision, DPC will draw upon the following Victorian Government policy documents:

  • The Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework and Matrix recognises that successful engagement with Aboriginal peoples requires acknowledgement and respect of Aboriginal culture, values and practices in ensuring services are more inclusive of Aboriginal children, families and communities. All actions outlined within this plan have been developed in line with the matrix, which provides guidance for departments and agencies to reflect on current programs and policies.
  • The Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework identifies strategic priority areas for action and is aligned with the COAG goals. The Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework focus is long-term, requiring strategic efforts to improve the health, life expectancy and quality of life of Aboriginal Victorians.
  • Karreeta Yirramboi (the Victorian Aboriginal Public Sector Employment and Career Development Action Plan 2010-15) details actions to increase Aboriginal participation in the Victorian public sector workforce to 1%.
  • Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy actions extend from education to employment and career pathways, through building Aboriginal business and enterprise to deliver strong outcomes.


In achieving the objectives of the DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014, DPC will be guided by the departmental values of:

Leadership – We lead by example. We strive to create positive and productive working relationships. Our leaders will role model behaviours designed to promote the full inclusion of Aboriginal people within DPC.

Integrity – We work to serve the public good. We uphold the ideals of openness and honesty, and stand by what we believe is right. DPC and its staff are accountable for our actions to ensure the success of this plan.

Collaboration – We are team players. We seek, encourage and value the contribution and skills of the people with whom we work, recognising that we have an important role to play in the inclusion of Aboriginal people.

Innovation – We value creativity. We are open to new ideas and to different approaches that will achieve the best results. Through this plan, DPC will continue to create opportunities to benefit from the innovation and creativity arising from Aboriginal inclusion.

Monitoring and reporting

To achieve the goals in this plan, each departmental group will be required to develop an implementation plan outlining the key actions they will undertake to achieve this plan. Each group will be required to report on their progress to the Secretary on an annual basis.

The Governance and Operations Group will have responsibility for reporting of DPC organisational progress against this plan for whole-of-government reports and updates. This includes reporting to the Secretaries’ Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs and any evaluation reports that are required.

Our Aboriginal inclusion action plan

Goals Outcomes
1. Strengthened leadership for delivery of DPC’s commitment to Aboriginal inclusion. DPC executives and senior managers demonstrate leadership for Aboriginal inclusion.
2. Increased understanding and respect of Aboriginal culture and people.

Strengthened cultural understanding and awareness.

Aboriginal Traditional Owners and Elders are acknowledged at formal departmental meetings and events.

Days of Aboriginal significance and reconciliation events are supported and promoted by DPC.

3. Increased participation and engagement between DPC and Aboriginal communities.

Engagement between DPC and the Aboriginal community is promoted.

Support the inclusion of Aboriginal people on DPC boards and committees.

DPC employees develop their capacity to appropriately communicate with and about Aboriginal people.

4. Increased Aboriginal employment and economic participation.

DPC promotes Aboriginal employment and career progression within the department and across the VPS.

DPC actively promotes procurement opportunities to Aboriginal enterprises.

DPC grant opportunities are promoted to the Aboriginal community.

5. Established robust framework for reporting, accountability and measuring success.

DPC implements governance structures and evaluation systems to monitor progress regarding Aboriginal inclusion.

DPC implements reporting mechanisms regarding progress on Aboriginal inclusion.

Our actions

Goal 1: Strengthened leadership for delivery of DPC’s commitment to Aboriginal inclusion

The leadership of DPC provides overall guidance and direction to its people for the inclusion of Aboriginal people and perspectives.

Outcome 1.1: DPC executives and senior managers demonstrate leadership for Aboriginal inclusion.


1.1.1 The actions in this plan will be included in the performance plans of all members of the Executive Leadership Forum.
Lead: DPC Senior Management Group *
Time frame: 2014/2015 Performance Cycle

1.1.2 Establish a senior champion within each DPC group who can assist managers with the implementation of the Action Plan.
Lead: DPC Senior Management Group
Time frame: June 2015

1.1.3 DPC executives shall take a leadership role for specific projects designed to promote the objective of this plan.
Lead: DPC Senior Management Group
Time frame: Ongoing

*The DPC Senior Management Group comprises the Departmental Secretary and Deputy Secretaries.

Goal 2: Increased understanding and respect of Aboriginal culture and people.

Education, awareness and respect of Aboriginal culture underpins the department’s contribution to Aboriginal inclusion.

Outcome 2.1 Strengthened cultural understanding and awareness.


2.1.1 Encourage all staff to volunteer with Aboriginal organisations.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: June 2015

2.1.2 Explore opportunities to display Aboriginal artwork, objects and the Aboriginal flag at all DPC offices.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: June 2015

2.1.3 Display Acknowledgement of Country information in all DPC workplaces and service sites.
Lead: Corporate Resources in consultation with OAAV
Time frame: June 2015

2.1.4 Implement a process to use Aboriginal language to name DPC meeting rooms and venues.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: March 2015

2.1.5 Include opportunities to enhance cultural understandings to inform work practices (including participation in cultural awareness training) in all Performance Development Plans.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: June 2015

2.1.6 Provide targeted professional development regarding Aboriginal affairs to all executives and senior managers.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: 2014/2015 PDP Cycle

2.1.7 Inclusion of Aboriginal cultural awareness training in the DPC Learning and Development and Induction program.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: December 2015

Outcome 2.2 Aboriginal Traditional Owners and Elders are acknowledged at formal departmental meetings and events


2.2.1 Include Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country at all formal DPC meetings and events consistent with protocols.
Lead: Strategic Communication and Protocol
Time frame: Ongoing

2.2.2 International engagement opportunities promote and acknowledge the Victorian Aboriginal community.
Lead: Intergovernmental Relations and Citizenship
Time frame: Ongoing

Outcome 2.3 Days of Aboriginal significance and reconciliation events are supported and promoted by DPC.


2.3.1 Inclusion of all Aboriginal significant days in DPC’s internal calendar of events.
Lead: Strategic Communication and Protocol
Time frame: Ongoing

2.3.2 Continue to promote all significant events through internal communications.
Lead: Strategic Communication and Protocol
Time frame: Ongoing

2.3.3 Encourage staff participation in all significant Aboriginal community events.
Lead: DPC Executive Leadership Forum
Time frame: Ongoing

Goal 3: Increased participation and engagement between DPC and Aboriginal communities

Facilitation of relationships and engagement between Aboriginal Victorians, organisations, communities and DPC external partners, is fundamental to increasing Aboriginal participation and engagement.

Outcome 3.1 Engagement between DPC and the Aboriginal community is promoted.


3.1.1 Ensure appropriate consideration of Aboriginal perspectives when reviewing and developing policy through engagement with relevant Aboriginal stakeholders.
Lead : Branch Directors
Time frame: Ongoing

3.1.2. DPC provides collaborative leadership to support all Regional Management Forums to achieve positive outcomes in working with regional Aboriginal communities.
Lead : Branch Directors
Time frame: Ongoing

3.1.3 Consult with OAAV on engagement with Aboriginal organisations, stakeholders and communities on relevant initiatives.
Lead : Branch Directors
Time frame: Ongoing

3.1.4 Identify subject matter experts in all DPC focus areas to develop enhanced and shared understandings of Aboriginal affairs.
Lead: Branch Directors in consultation with OAAV
Time frame: Ongoing

Outcome 3.2 Support the inclusion of Aboriginal people on DPC boards and committees.


3.2.1 Transparent and accessible recruitment processes for all DPC boards and committees are promoted.
Lead: Government Branch
Time frame: June 2015

3.2.2 Development of resources to support the increased engagement of Aboriginal people on DPC boards and committees.
Lead: Government Branch
Time frame: December 2015

3.2.3 Provision of advice to support Aboriginal representation on relevant boards and committees.
Lead: Branch Directors in consultation with OAAV
Time frame: Ongoing

Outcome 3.3 DPC employees develop their capacity to appropriately communicate with and about Aboriginal people.


3.3.1 Continue to promote use of the Aboriginal Writing Style Guide for the development of all written material.
Lead: Strategic Communication and Protocol
Time frame: Ongoing

Goal 4: Increased Aboriginal employment and economic participation

DPC’s support of employment and development opportunities for Aboriginal people is consistent with the Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy and Karreeta Yirramboi. The direct engagement and the facilitation of relationships between Aboriginal communities and DPC will promote opportunities for economic participation for Aboriginal Victorians, enterprises and communities.

Outcome 4.1 DPC promotes Aboriginal employment and career progression within the department and across the VPS.


4.1.1 Develop and implement a DPC Aboriginal Employment Plan.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: June 2015

4.1.2 Increase the number of Aboriginal people working within DPC to exceed 1% of the total DPC workforce over and above people employed by OAAV.
Lead: DPC Executive Leadership Forum
Time frame: June 2016

4.1.3 Establish an Aboriginal employee network for DPC.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: December 2014

4.1.4 Increase participation of Aboriginal staff in training and professional development opportunities.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: June 2016

Outcome 4.2 DPC actively promotes procurement opportunities to Aboriginal enterprises.

4.2.1 Promote all procurement information in a visible and accessible manner.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: June 2015

4.2.2 Consider Aboriginal businesses in Preferred Supplier Agreements for the procurement of goods and services.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: June 2015

4.2.3 Review procurement training, policy and forms to support Aboriginal employment within businesses.
Lead: Corporate Resources
Time frame: June 2015

Outcome 4.3 DPC grant opportunities are promoted to the Aboriginal community.


4.3.1 All information on DPC grants are reviewed and promoted to the Aboriginal community through the DPC website.
Lead: DPC Executive Leadership Forum
Time frame: Ongoing

4.3.2 DPC grant programs are reviewed to monitor participation of Aboriginal people.
Lead: DPC Executive Leadership Forum
Time frame: Ongoing

Goal 5: Established robust framework for reporting, accountability and measuring success.

To successfully implement the Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014 a robust framework for reporting, monitoring and accountability must be established. This framework will provide opportunities for feedback, advice and input in relation to achieving outcomes identified in this plan.

Outcome 5.1 DPC implements governance structures and evaluation systems to monitor progress regarding Aboriginal inclusion.


5.1.1 An Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group will be established to meet quarterly and to monitor the implementation of this plan.
Lead: Executive Director, Citizenship and Resilience
Time frame: July 2014

5.1.2 Strategic advice is provided from the group for implementation of all actions in this plan.
Lead: Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group
Time frame: Ongoing

5.1.3 Develop and implement a process for the inclusion of independent Aboriginal feedback and engagement in the implementation of this plan.
Lead: Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group
Time frame: December 2014

5.1.4 All actions will be evaluated.
Lead: Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan Implementation Advisory Group
Time frame: December 2015

Outcome 5.2 DPC implements reporting mechanisms regarding progress on Aboriginal inclusion.


5.2.1 Progress on the implementation of this plan shall be included in the DPC Annual Report.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: Annually

5.2.2 Provide bi-annual reports on implementation to the DPC Senior Management Group .
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: Ongoing

5.2.3 DPC participates in the Inter-departmental Working Group on Aboriginal Inclusion.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: Ongoing

5.2.4 Provide reports to the Secretaries Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs as required.
Lead: Corporate Development
Time frame: Ongoing

5.2.5 Establish an online DPC presence to provide information, advice and resources for this plan.
Lead: Strategic Communications and Protocol
Time frame: December 2014

Further information

Additional information regarding the DPC Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan 2014 is available from the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Corporate Development Branch at dp&

For additional information regarding Aboriginal inclusion contact the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria at


The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) acknowledges all Aboriginal people, as Australia’s first peoples, and the continuing spiritual connection of Traditional Owners to the land on which we work and live. We are proud to recognise that Aboriginal culture is the oldest living culture in the world.

DPC also recognises the strength and resilience of Aboriginal people despite the intergenerational impacts of past practices and government policies, the effects of which are still with us today.

We recognise and value the ongoing contributions of Aboriginal people and culture that enrich us all. Aboriginal people have a strong, diverse and enduring culture that we can all embrace and celebrate.

We acknowledge that:

  • Land is of spiritual, cultural and economic importance to Aboriginal people.
  • All places in Victoria exist on the traditional country of Aboriginal Victorians.
  • Aboriginal interests, needs and aspirations are integral to the department’s core business.

The term “Aboriginal” is used to refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Use of the terms “Koori”, “Koorie” and “Indigenous” are retained in the names of programs and initiatives, and, unless noted otherwise, are inclusive of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
