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Everybody Matters Inclusion and Equity Blueprint 2019-2022

The Victorian Government’s first three-year actions against the strategic priorities of the Everybody Matters Inclusion and Equity statement to end family violence.

Published by:
Family Safety Victoria
9 Aug 2021

The first Inclusion and Equity Blueprint 2019-2022 provides a foundation for system and organisational change ensuring everyone has equitable and inclusive access to family violence services no matter who they are or where they turn to for help.

The Blueprints target government as their key audience, particularly departments and agencies with responsibilities for family violence reforms and implementation of associated Royal Commission recommendations. However, many actions within each Blueprint will be achieved through partnerships between government and community service organisations

The Blueprint will work to embed an intersectional approach that identifies and removes the systemic and structural barriers of discrimination across the service system. This will enable a system that is inclusive and responsive, and which places individuals and Victoria’s diverse population at the centre of our work.

This first Blueprint lays the foundations to achieve the Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement's (the Statement) 10-year vision by concentrating on actions under each of the three strategic priorities of the Statement (see Figure 2). Those implementing the Blueprint will seek to achieve a number of outcomes over the three years – all of which will contribute to achieving our long-term vision of an inclusive, safe, accountable and responsive service system for all Victorians.
