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Strategic priority 3: strengthening targeted services

Everybody Matters Inclusion and Equity Blueprint 2019-2022.

Our aim is to shift the service* system culture from one that can perceive identity as the barrier to accessing services to one of shared responsibility for recognising and addressing discrimination and structural barriers to service access by offering choice to all. This does not erase the need for targeted services; instead, they contribute to a holistic and contextual approach in systems responses providing cultural knowledge and understanding of clients from diverse communities.

Whether they are stand-alone or integrated within family violence services, targeted services complement and build the capacity of the service system to achieve inclusion and equity. Their nuanced and tailored work across the spectrum of family violence–primary prevention, early intervention and response–is critical in offering choice without fear of discrimination to all clients.

To create these shifts, we know there needs to be a stronger focus on supporting and strengthening targeted responses and developing pathways for improved collaboration.

In 3 years…

Targeted service provision is more accessible to people from diverse communities experiencing or choosing to use violence. Targeted services are accessible through standalone or coordinated responses.

* As defined in the Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement, targeted services are those specific family violence services with an expert knowledge of a particular diverse community and the responses required to address the unique needs and barriers faced by the group. Targeted services may include community-specific services, such as ethno-specific, LGBTIQ and disability services that focus on primary prevention programs or early intervention.

Actions to increase coordination and collaboration across the system

Indicator: increased coordination and collaboration across the system
Actions Lead and partners Duration and progress

3.1 Work with targeted services across diverse communities to inform the development of the MARAM perpetrator practice guidance.


2019-21 (in progress)

3.2 Enhance The Orange Door network linkages with targeted services through employing Service System Navigators and establishing service interfaces with key sectors to strengthen referral pathways.


2019-22 (in progress)

3.3 Continue to implement the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme to enable information sharing entities from across specialist and universal system to work collaboratively to assess and manage family violence risk.


2019-22 (in progress)

Actions to build capacity to further strengthen targeted services

Indicator: capacity building initiatives implemented to further strengthen targeted services
Actions Lead and partners Duration and progress

3.4 Strengthen the capacity of the disability and social services workforce to prevent violence against women with disabilities through the Workforce Development Program on Gender and Disability 2018-2021.


2019-21 (in progress)

3.5 Implement learnings and recommendations from the evaluations of the Family Violence Perpetrator Intervention trials programs that relate to diverse communities.


2019-22 (in progress)

3.6 Implement initiatives across multicultural communities (including in regional such areas Geelong and Shepparton) to prevent family violence, including the 2-year Safer and Stronger Communities Pilot. The Pilot will improve early identification of family violence in multicultural communities and build the capacity of staff and selected communities to design and delivery primary prevention activities with an intersectional lens.

MA (lead), OPFVC and RV (partner)

2019-21 (in progress)

3.7 Review and evaluate Victoria’s first LGBTIQ specialist family violence service offering.


2020-2021 (not commenced)

Actions to enhance targeted initiatives for people from diverse communities

Indicator: enhanced targeted initiatives for people from diverse communities
Actions Lead and partners Duration and progress

3.8 Provide funding for LGBTIQ Family Violence applicant and respondent practitioners at the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria to ensure an inclusive service where LGBTIQ people have the information, advice and support they require when they come into contact with the court due to family violence.


2019-20 (complete)

3.9 Undertake an evaluation of the LGBTIQ Family Violence applicant and respondent practitioners initiative to determine its effectiveness.


2020-21 (complete)

3.10 Develop and implement social marketing behaviour change campaigns in conjunction with key stakeholders and build upon existing research on core social and cultural drivers of family violence and violence against women, addressing specific diverse populations including older Victorians, LGBTIQ communities and people from Aboriginal communities.


2019-22 (in progress)

3.11 Provide targeted funding for primary prevention initiatives led by multicultural, ethno-specific and faith-based organisations to address the drivers of family violence for people from migrant and refugee communities.


2019-21 (in progress)

3.12 Fund the state-wide service to provide a free confidential telephone helpline, referral and support services including advocacy and legal advice for elder abuse.


2019-22 (in progress)

3.13 Implement specialist family counselling and mediation services for older people and their families who present at The Orange Door network with suspected cases of elder abuse.


2019-20 (complete)


  • FSV - Family Safety Victoria
  • OPFVC - Office for Prevention of Family Violence and Coordination
  • DJCS - Department of Justice and Community Safety
  • MA - Multicultural Affairs
  • RV - Respect Victoria
  • DFFH - Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  • MCV - Magistrates' Court of Victoria
