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Fees and fines charged by the Department of Government Services

Download a list of fees and fines charged by the Department of Government Services.

The Department of Government Services charges a range of fees for services and fines for breaking the law. For example:

  • Births, Deaths and Marriages charges a fee for issuing a birth certificate
  • Working with Children Check Victoria charges a fee when you apply for a check
  • Consumer Affairs Victoria can issue a fine to a car dealer that does not provide a roadworthy certificate to a buyer.

Fees and fines are officially set and revised by law.

Each year, fees and fines are automatically indexed for inflation, so that the value of those fees and fines is maintained.

Download the list

Indexed fees and fines from 1 July 2024 – Department of Government Services
Excel 87.2 KB
(opens in a new window)
Indexed fees and fines from 1 July 2024 – Department of Government Services
PDF 388.31 KB
(opens in a new window)

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Although the Department of Government Services has sought to make the list as accurate and complete as possible, updates and revisions may be necessary. The material provided is intended for use as a general reference only. It is made available on the understanding that while the department endeavours to maintain complete, accurate and up-to-date information users are aware that:

  • the department does not warrant the accuracy of the information provided and will not accept responsibility for reliance upon it
  • users should exercise their own care and skill when using the material
  • by providing this general information the department is not providing advice
  • users should take appropriate professional advice before relying upon the information.
