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Grant terminology explained

Definitions of all multicultural grant program terminology

Grant Program Guidelines can be difficult to understand.

To help your organisation or community group to understand here is a list of terms we use and a definition or explanation.

Accountability report

Is also known as a Expenditure statement or Acquittal report. An Accountability report is a form that details all products and services grant funding has been spent on. If your organisations or community groups receives a grant you will need to complete an Accountability report.

Auspice organisation

Is also known as a Sponsoring Agency or a Funding Body or Agency. An auspice organisation will make funds available to a smaller organisation or community groups to meet the grant program's financial and legal requirements. This will include taking responsibility to:

  • sign your grant agreement
  • take legal and financial responsibility of the grant on your organisations behalf
  • receive and distribute grant funds under the grant agreement
  • ensure all grant activities or events are completed
  • submit accountability and evaluation reports on your organisations behalf

Auspice agreement

An auspice arrangement is when a larger organisation partners with a smaller organisation to fund a grant activity or event. The larger organisation is known as the auspice organisation. Your organisation or community group is known as the grant recipient.

Assessment criteria

Is the key points that grant applications will be considered against. A grant application must meet all assessment criteria to be successful.

Capacity building

The development of long-term skills which help assist a person or group become self-sufficient.


A formal statement at the end of the application indicating that all information provided is true and accurate. Declarations usually need to be signed by a registered officer at an organisation such as a Chief Executive Officer, Secretary or President.


Is completed at the end of a grant project and assesses how successful the grant project was in achieving it's aim and objective.

Funding agreement

Is a legal document that outlines the terms, conditions and obligations of funding, project delivery, accountability for both the department and the funded organisation or community group.

Funding arrangements

Funding arrangements are a detailed plan outlining when grant instalments will be made to an organisation or community group.

Funding rounds

Some grant programs will have a series of open and closing date throughout the year when applications can be submitted. Each one of these is called a funding round.

Funding stream

Funding streams indicate the various funding amounts available for a grant program. Each funding stream may have different eligibility, application and project requirements depending on the funding stream.

In-kind contribution

Is any non-financial support provided to a grant project. This could include but not limited to free stationary, event space, or phone usage.

Letters of support

Are letter written by auspice or partnering organisations showing their support for the proposed grant project. Letter or Support can be required to be included in grant applications.


Key accomplishments achieved during the grant project.


Is the aim of the grant project. For example a grant project aim could be to raise awareness of a community issue or connect different community groups together.

Partnership applications

Partnership applications occur when two organisations submit a grant application together. Organisations may do this because:

  • they share resources such as physical location, volunteers, skills and knowledge
  • their grant activity or event targets the same multicultural or multifaith communities
  • their grant activity or event shares a purpose and could reach more Victorians together

Program Guidelines

Also known as Application Guidelines. Program Guidelines provide details about:

  • the grant program
  • the types of projects
  • events or activities the program is looking to fund
  • how to apply for the grant
  • organisation or community group eligibility
  • application assessment criteria

It's important to read Program Guidelines before commencing an application.

Public liability insurance

Public liability insurance protects your organisation or community group financially if someone attending your grant activity or event is injured.


The people or community groups who have an interest in the project. Stakeholders can include:

  • other community groups
  • local councils
  • business owners
  • members of your local community

Target group

The people or community that your grant project aims to reach and engage with.


Greek women having lunch at a community centre

Hear from our grant recipients

Our grants help to strengthen Victoria's multicultural and multi-faith communities by funding festival and events, community facility upgrades and projects that address priority issues facing local communities.