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Grants - understanding in-kind contributions

Many grants request a co-contribution from applicants. ‘In-kind’ support is often accepted as an alternative. This includes donated goods, services or volunteer work to support a project.

What is an in-kind contribution?

An in-kind contribution is a contribution of a good or a service other than money.

Some examples include:

  • voluntary labour (for example, painting work)
  • donated goods (for example, kitchen equipment)
  • donated services (for example, professional advice from an architect)

How do you calculate your in-kind contribution?

The calculation of your in-kind contribution is based on your best estimates.

The following figures may help guide you:

  • calculate volunteer general labour at $20 per hour
  • calculate volunteer specialist labour (for example, engineer or architect) at $45 per hour
  • calculate donated goods at the price you would pay for them if they were not donated

Example of how to calculate your in-kind contribution

Goods/service to be provided Organisation/Supplier Number of Hours Rate per hour Total Value
Architectural drawings Smith Consulting 10 $45 $450
Labour to paint the new community hall – 5 people Members of XYZ community organisation 10 $20 $200
Donation of new kitchen equipment Commercial Kitchens Ltd n/a n/a $4000
Total $4650

Do you need to provide evidence of in-kind contributions?

In-kind contribution calculations

If you have in-kind contributions that count towards your organisation’s funding contribution for an activity, you may be asked to outline in-kind contributions as part of your application:

  • as part of budget proposed in the application form (all applications)
  • as a completed In-Kind Contributions Worksheet submitted with your application form (requested only for funding categories where minimum matched contributions apply, such as community infrastructure)

To help you with evidence of in-kind contributions, download the:

In-Kind Contributions Worksheet
Word 128.58 KB
(opens in a new window)

In-kind contributions received

You do not need to submit written records of in-kind contributions received for your activity. However, it is your organisation’s responsibility to keep written records (e.g. letter of donations or receipts) of the in-kind support committed or received. These records should be available upon request by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship.

Further information

For more information contact in a new window) or call 1300 112 755.
