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We define key terms below and acknowledge that people may relate to different definitions. We also acknowledge that language is constantly changing and continues to evolve. (Pride in our future: Victoria's LGBTIQA+ strategy 2022-32)

  • Allyship: Active support for the rights of a minority or marginalised group without being a member of that group.
  • Cisgender: Refers to a person whose gender corresponds with their biological sex.
  • Equality: This principle is about ensuring every LGBTIQA+ person has an equal chance to make the most of their lives and talents. It means that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or how they identify.
  • Equity: This principle builds on equality and is about ensuring just and fair inclusion for all LGBTIQA+ people and communities. An equitable society is one where everyone can take part and prosper. The goals of equity are to create conditions that allow all people to reach their full potential. These conditions must recognise that experiences, inequalities and outcomes are not the same across communities.
  • Gender: Part of how you understand who you are and how you interact with other people. Many people understand their gender as being a man or woman. Some people understand their gender as a mix of these or neither. A person's gender and their expression of their gender can be shown in different ways, such as through behaviour or physical appearance.
  • Gender diverse: An umbrella term for a range of genders expressed in different ways. Gender diverse people use many terms to describe themselves. Language in this area is dynamic, particularly among young people, who are more likely to describe themselves as non-binary.
  • Inclusion: Empowering access to opportunities, dealing with structural inequalities, tackling unconscious bias to have equal access to all parts of society.
  • Intersectionality: This is an approach to understanding how social meanings related to the way we categorise and identify can overlap and interconnect. This creates different layers and types of discrimination or disadvantage for either an individual or group. Categories include but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, sex characteristics, ethnicity, language, faith, disability and age.
  • Intersex: An umbrella term for people born with natural variations to sex characteristics. This includes physical features relating to sex, including genitalia and other sexual and reproductive parts of the person’s anatomy. It might also refer to the person's chromosomes, hormones and secondary physical features emerging because of puberty. Most people with intersex variations are cisgender and identify as male or female.
  • Sex: A person’s biological sex characteristics. We have previously understood the term 'sex' as only female or male.
  • Sex characteristics: A person’s physical features relating to sex. This includes genitalia and other sexual and reproductive parts of the person’s anatomy.
  • Sexuality or sexual orientation: A person's romantic or sexual attraction to others. A person's gender does not mean they have certain sex characteristics or a particular sexuality, or vice versa.
  • Trans (or transgender) person: Someone whose gender does not align with the gender assigned to them at birth. Not all trans people will use this term to describe themselves.
