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Message from the Secretary

The Department of Premier and Cabinet’s (DPC’s) LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Plan 2024-2028 is an integral part of our commitment to providing a diverse, equitable, inclusive and safe workplace for all staff.

It seeks to establish DPC as both an employer of choice for LGBTIQA+ people and an organisation that leads by example across the Victorian Public Service, while acknowledging the systemic barriers that still need to be overcome.

The plan’s key areas of focus for the next four years include:

  • fostering a culture of inclusive leadership and allyship
  • ensuring DPC policies, practices and supports are inclusive
  • creating opportunities for social connection and networking
  • creating a psychologically safe, supportive and inclusive workplace.

This plan aligns with Victoria’s first whole-of-government LGBTIQA+ strategy, Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ strategy 2022-32, which provides the vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for Victoria’s diverse (LGBTIQA+) communities within all aspects of government work over the next decade.

I thank the LGBTIQA+ staff who, through focus-group discussions and one-on-one interviews, have helped ensure that LGBTIQA+ voices and experiences are at the centre of this plan. I also acknowledge the contributions of the People and Culture branch at the Department of Government Services and the Equality team at the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

Finally, I want to thank our co-Executive Champions for LGBTIQA+ Inclusion, Rach Cowling and Fin Bird, for their advocacy, leadership and support for the development of this plan.

It is a shared responsibility of all staff to create an environment that is safe, inclusive and welcoming to LGBTIQA+ people. I encourage you all to read this plan and make a commitment to take proactive steps to strengthen LGBTIQA+ inclusion at DPC.

Jeremi Moule
